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Hi John,

3M claims to “Stick Up” for breast cancer, but their forever chemicals may actually increase the risk of breast cancer.
Tell 3M to stop pinkwashing and pushing PFAS!
Since it’s neither possible (nor ethical) to conduct randomized, controlled studies on PFAS and breast cancer, we have to look at the weight of the evidence to evaluate the links between breast cancer and forever chemicals. Here’s just some of the evidence researchers have found:
  • A study of Inuit women found an increased risk of breast cancer with higher PFAS levels in the blood.
  • PFAS are known hormone disruptors that may change the timing of puberty for young girls, which is a risk factor for breast cancer later in life. 
  • Animal studies have found that PFAS exposure alters the structure of the mammary gland and interferes with breastfeeding.
  • Some studies have shown that PFAS may increase the growth of breast cancer cells. PFAS also suppress the immune system, which is the body’s first line of defense. This interference can hinder the body’s ability to prevent rogue cells from growing into breast cancer.
One of 3M’s own consultants warned that the chemical used in Scotchguard “is one of the strongest cancer promoters I’ve ever seen”. PFAS have been known to cause thyroid, testicular, and kidney cancers along with numerous other health problems. 

3M's PFAS make us sick! Tell 3M to Say Never to Forever Chemicals! 
We are all exposed to PFAS throughout our lives. Exposure begins in utero and continues through multiple pathways. Not only are PFAS found in our water and food packaging, they’re in countless everyday products such as clothing, cosmetics, carpets, and even child car seats.
And research shows that everyday exposures to harmful chemicals, such as PFAS, during critical windows of development can increase our risk of breast cancer. This year, it’s estimated that 271,270 people in the US will be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer.
3M has promoted a variety of pink ribbons products over the years, and claims they’re “sticking up” for breast cancer. They deny that PFAS pose a health risk and continue to develop new PFAS, which they push into new products. 3M wants us to believe they care about breast cancer but the reality is they’re pinkwashing!
Join us and tell 3M’s executives to STOP the pink ribbon distraction by ending the production, sale, and use of all PFAS!
In Solidarity, 

Karuna Jaggar
Executive Director, Breast Cancer Action

P.S. Want more? Check out the latest episode of the Breast Cancer Action Podcast, where investigative reporter Sharon Lerner and I discuss PFAS, and her groundbreaking reporting on these toxic compounds and 3M’s efforts to cover up the health risks.
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