Tomorrow and Monday

The Republican Party of Bexar County stands against all mandates to mask our children and to impose those mandates on our children and schools. We encourage the schools to implement the highest form of hygiene and cleanliness and encourage our children and the staff to practice safety protocols, but any and all mandates are against individual freedom and the rights of parents and care givers. "Parents are the best arbiters of what is best for their children," stated, John Austin, Chairman of the Republican Party of Bexar County, "and, these mandates are against parental rights and the rights to parent our children in the manner we see fit. We are not co-parenting with the city and the county."

The Republican Party of Bexar County stands with the children and families of our community and the Governor of Texas



Governor Abbott issues Mask Mandate directive

Via Twitter the Governor announced: Any school district, public university, or local government official that decides to defy GA-38—which prohibits gov't entities from mandating masks—will be taken to court. The path forward relies on personal responsibility—not government mandates. For additional information: @GregAbbott_TX

Governor Abbott - Executive Order GA-38

THE RPBC (Bexar GOP) is joining forces with Unmask.SanAntonio and

Unmask our Kids San Antonio

in a peaceful protest

Friday, August 13th

11:00 am - 12:30 pm

Protests will be held at:

100 Dolorosa, 78205

Wear white, bring signs and water

Instagram: unmask.sanantonio

Facebook: UnmaskOurKidsSanAntonio

THE RPBC (Bexar GOP) is joining forces with

Parents United for Freedom for a peaceful protest

Friday, August 13th

2:00 pm

Please gather at:

100 Plaza De Armas, San Antonio, Texas

Bring signs and water

THE RPBC (Bexar GOP) is joining forces with

Parents United for Freedom for a peaceful protest

Monday, August 16

8:30 am

Bexar County Courthouse

Bring signs and water

The Republican Party of Bexar County is not affiliated with any of the groups above, but united against Mask Mandates and in support of our Governor.

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