“Just close down and stay inside for 15 days.” “Just wear a mask until the ‘case count’ goes down.” “Just take the experimental COVID jab . . . twice . . . and you can take the mask off.” “Just temporarily do what we say, and you’ll get your life back.” These were all lies intended to seize power over our lives. It’s time you and I push back against them before we lose our medical freedom permanently to madmen like Dr. Fauci and their lies and whims. For those who chose to take the COVID jab, how will they react when they’re no longer considered “fully vaccinated?” According to what Fauci said today on CBS This Morning, people aren’t exactly getting the protection that was advertised: White House chief medical advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci said Thursday everybody will someday “likely” need a
booster shot of the Covid-19 vaccines. “We’re already starting to see indications of some diminution in the durability of the vaccines.” With cities like New York and Los Angeles now unleashing tyrannical Vaccine Passport schemes on their populations, how many jabs will it take to be allowed to participate in society? This is truly the dystopian medical enslavement that we at Campaign for Liberty have been warning about since the Coronacrisis began. Fauci also said he expects these Big Pharma jabs to be taken off “Emergency Use Authorization” status and given full clearance -- even though NOBODY knows the longer-term complications from any of these shots! This is coming at us like a freight train despite recent evidence that at least one of the so-called “vaccines” was only 42% effective against the virus in July! If you think the push for Vaccine Passports and mandates has been bad already, just wait until the FDA gives any of the jabs full approval. Aggressive moves in some state legislatures have staved off most of the attempts at making COVID jabs mandatory in schools, but how much longer can that be held off without an even bigger fight for freedom by our side? How much longer before the federal government -- despite their denials which they’ve had to walk back -- dangles millions of dollars in federal money to get the states to voluntarily put in their own mandates? Make no mistake, Big Pharma, and their cronies in the Biden administration WANT to make this vaccination mandatory for children to attend school. They’re not hiding it. Patriot, I’m deeply concerned we’re about to head down a path from which we cannot return. Just as my son Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) and other big national voices have been saying, it’s time to resist this tyranny NOW. But what can be done? First, we at Campaign for Liberty need to hear from you. If you haven't taken our survey yet, do so at once so we know just how committed you are to medical freedom! ![]() Then, chip in $25, $50, 75, or as much as you can afford so we can fight off ALL the attempts by Anthony Fauci, the Biden administration, and Big Pharma to take away our medical freedom FOREVER. It’s no wonder we’re in such dire straits when you consider the surprising level of obedience to all the mandates last year that so “innocently” started with “15 Days to Slow the Spread” and “Flatten the Curve” -- one of the biggest lies ever told! Fauci and other Swamp dwellers have been given a free pass to spread their propaganda all over corporate news and social media for 17 months without being challenged. In fact, if you do question Fauci or others on any aspect of the Coronavirus, you are silenced, banned, and de-platformed! Enough people have believed him to allow the medical tyrants to commit the worst violations of civil liberties we have seen in this country in at least half a century, maybe longer! I have no doubt that the majority of governors will continue to listen to the lies, distortions, and misguided anti-liberty “recommendations” and start to push for Vaccine Passports and mandated jabs in order to work, travel, or attend school. But not all is grim. In locations where people have fought back and challenged the tyranny of these mandates, including inside major corporations like airlines, mandatory COVID vaccinations are failing. Just yesterday, three of the largest airlines in the United States announced they will not be mandating the jabs for passengers and employees after a major backlash internally. And today, some restaurants in New York City are fighting back and telling the mayor they will not be COVID police! Some are even hanging signs on their restaurants welcoming the public inside, whether vaccinated or not. This is why it’s so very important to speak out and speak out loudly! Are you willing to do it? If you haven't yet, take the “Fight for Medical Freedom” survey at once! Then please consider rushing a generous donation of $25, $50, or more so Campaign for Liberty can keep pushing back with all our resources! You and I must make it loud and clear what we want: NO MORE LOCKDOWNS, NO MORE MANDATES, NO MORE SHUTTERING BUSINESSES, AND NO MORE CLOSING SCHOOLS! Demand your right to live free. Governors, mayors, state legislators, and elected boards need to understand that Fauci is not credible and DOES NOT make policy for us. He is willfully deceptive and should be seriously investigated, not revered as some kind of modern-day folk hero. Fauci likely committed perjury in front of Congress by denying knowledge of the genetic engineering of COVID and lab leak theories. Because of his “recommendations,” Americans all over the country have spent the last 17 months having their businesses, schools, churches, and the rest of our lives shut down under draconian “lockdowns.” He did this all while knowingly misleading the public and scrambling behind the scenes to control what information was released. Fauci has done immeasurable damage to this country. Big Government statists, global financial elites, and their pals in the national media immediately saw the opportunity Fauci gave them to seize more control over you and me as an excuse for funneling massive amounts of OUR wealth to their politically well-connected cronies. They turned this country into a medical police state, and we became a de facto socialist nation with millions of people being paid to not work! And they will keep doing it if we let them. In fact, they’ll make it much worse! Campaign for Liberty has been right about the lockdowns and mandates the entire time, even going back to March of 2020, so if you agree with us now, I urge you to help out as we make our biggest push yet to stop this madness. But I need to you know where you stand. If you haven't yet, take the Fight for Medical Freedom survey at once! ![]() Patriot, the push for MANDATORY COVID SHOTS is only going to get more intense as the FDA is poised to give them full clearance as “safe for general use,” according to Anthony Fauci. It’s time to push back now while we still have the chance to get our country back on track. For Liberty, ![]() Ron Paul, M.D. Chairman P.S. Anthony Fauci has led this country off a cliff with his dire predictions, major missteps, and his outright deception of the American people. He is not done yet with his reckless push to destroy medical freedom for good in this country with health mandates and will succeed if we let him get away with it. Take the Fight for Medical Freedom survey, if you haven't yet, so I know if you’re willing to stand up. Campaign for Liberty urgently needs your help to stop a repeat of 2020. Please consider a generous donation now. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. ________________________________________________ The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to
promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional
foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization. |