Lt. Gov Dan Patrick

Bills Passed

In under one week, the Texas Senate has passed 13 important bills on Gov. Abbott’s second special session call. We went to work immediately on Saturday, working diligently through the weekend and overnight to continue passing legislation that will benefit Texans.

Here are the bills we passed:

Instead of working, the Texas House Democrats are AWOL with their liberal friends in the D.C. Swamp. From there, they continue to spread misinformation about the Election Integrity Bill.

Let me be clear: the Election Integrity Bill will make our elections more secure. We will give Texans even more opportunities to vote, and it is disgraceful that the Democrats are trying to stop this. Their real goal is to help Nancy Pelosi federalize our elections - a national take over!

I said the Texas Senate would pass this bill when Gov. Abbott called his second special session. Promises made. Promises kept.

It is shameful that the Texas House has not been able to hold a quorum yet because of the Democrats’ unwillingness to show up for work. Have you ever heard of a job where you could be absent for 30+ days, and still get paid? I sure haven’t.

It’s time the Texas House Democrats come back to work. Texans deserve better.

I am committed to keep turning conservative policy into conservative legislation and the Democrats will stop at nothing to beat me in 2022. Can I count on your financial support of $5-10-25 or more today?

May God bless you and your family, and may He continue to bless the greatest state of all—Texas.


Dan Patrick

Dan Patrick
Lieutenant Governor of Texas

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"Whomever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant."
Matthew 20:26 (NLT)

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