Young people with strong truth brand awareness and loyalty had 19% lower odds of vaping and 25% lower odds of intending to vape a year and half later

Truth Initiative

Aug. 12, 2021

truth® brand awareness proven to drive down vaping rates in young people

Young people with strong truth® brand awareness and loyalty had 19% lower odds of vaping and 25% lower odds of intending to vape a year and half later, according to new research published in BMC Public Health.


How a personal experience shaped new ways to help people stop smoking

Chief of Innovations at Truth Initiative Amanda Graham shares her personal experience with smoking and how it influenced all aspects of her work today, including carving out new ways to help people stop smoking and starting her journey at Truth Initiative.


Deadline for students to apply for an IMPACT Scholarship is approaching

truth is awarding five $3,000 awards to students who are making an impact on the issues affecting our generation, including social justice, mental health and the environment. To enter, students must apply before August 30 and submit a brief video telling truth who they are and why they deserve the Impact Scholarship.



This week in tobacco policy news

Augusta, Georgia – The Augusta Commission amended the city’s smoke-free ordinance to allow cigar bars, despite opposition from numerous health groups.


Edgewater, Colorado – The city council passed an ordinance to prohibit the sale of all flavored tobacco products. We know flavors are a key factor in drawing youth and young adults to tobacco products and congratulate Edgewater for passing a strong flavor policy!


Vermont – Vermont Attorney General T.J. Donovan announced that his office has reached settlements with three different online sellers of electronic cigarettes for violations of Vermont’s Delivery Sales Ban and Consumer Protection Act.

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