In June, I joined the Secretaries of State from Maine, Connecticut, and Rhode Island on a virtual panel about the attack on voting rights in Texas.


In June, I joined the Secretaries of State from Maine, Connecticut, and Rhode Island on a virtual panel about the attack on voting rights in Texas. After fleeing the state to stop a vote on a bill that would restrict Texans’ access to the polls, Texas Democrats put on this conference to bring advocates, elected officials, and the voters together to take action.

That’s exactly what we have to continue to do -- take action against any and every attempt to suppress the vote across the country. Please chip in $25 now to join me in the fight.

I was proud to be there and to have the opportunity to share what we’ve done to protect voters’ rights in Colorado. I spoke about how we increased the number of ballot boxes, opened more polling locations, and had the second-highest turnout in the country during a global pandemic.

I spoke about our accomplishments, what it took to get there, and the challenges we continue to face today. We engaged with voting rights champions and empowered them to keep up the fight as we head into 2022. As elected officials continue to spread lies about the 2020 election in an attempt to keep Americans away from the polls, we must act now and we must work together.

Will you join my coalition and help me push our values forward by donating to my re-election campaign?

Our democracy flourishes when every eligible person has their voice heard. We can get there.

In gratitude,


My name is Jena Griswold. In 2018, I was elected as the first democratic Secretary of State in Colorado since 1958, the first democratic woman Secretary of State in Colorado’s history, and only the 10th woman in Colorado’s history to hold the statewide constitutional office of governor, attorney general, secretary of state, or treasurer!

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Paid for by Jena Griswold for Colorado

Jena for Colorado
P.O. Box 270218
Louisville, CO 80027
United States