
Since last year, Philadelphia’s neighborhoods have been beset by an unrelenting wave of gun violence. The city has pledged almost $156 million to stop it. But will that funding be effective?

Help us hold the city accountable for getting real results. Join Billy Penn and CeaseFirePA Education Fund, Tuesday, August 24 at 5 PM for a community forum on how getting people into good, stable jobs can help address Philadelphia’s gun crisis.

Hear from Siddiq Moore, of Siddiq’s Water Ice, about how small businesses can help by employing marginalized young people. Let Soneyet Muhammed of Drexel’s Office of University and Community Partnerships show you the positive impact workforce funding can have on individuals and their neighborhoods. Learn from Michael Thorpe of Mt. Vernon Manor CDC how workers returning from incarceration can help heal communities and prevent violence. Discuss next steps to make sure the city invests in initiatives that work.

Join us: 

Tuesday, August 24
5:00 PM

In person at Siddiq’s Water Ice in West Philadelphia, 240 S. 60th St. OR
Online via livestream from Billy Penn’s Facebook page (@BillyPennNews)

RSVP for "Investing in People & Places: How Jobs Prevent Violence."

This year has already seen more than 322 Philadelphians murdered, and more than 130 children shot—including a 16-year-old shot in the back inside his own home this weekend by an unknown shooter outside.[1] To rein in this violence, Philly’s most recent budget pledges money toward healing communities hard-hit by the trauma of neglect, poverty, and gun crime. To make a real impact, that money needs to be targeted to provide support, healing, and opportunities in the neighborhoods that need it most.

To help us manage crowds for COVID safety, let us know if you plan to attend the in-person event. Siddiq’s Water Ice will be served! 

See you there!

Adam Garber
Executive Director, CeaseFirePA 

[1] Boy, 16, Among Various People Shot in Philly Weekend Violence.” NBC10, August 8, 2021.

P.O. Box 60095  | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102

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