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Before we were asking to help out on defending our progressive Delegates, now we're asking for help on electing new delegates. We know that it will take more than a few progressive legislators to make the changes that we want to see. That's why we are pumped to be supporting one of those fresh voices to be a newly elected Delegate this year: Nadarius Clark. 

To say that we were excited when Nadarius won his underdog primary back in June would be an understatement. The 26-year old activist from Hampton Roads primaried a long term incumbent and won. Nadarius ran on all of the issues necessary for the progressive movement here in Virginia like campaign finance reform, climate justice, racial justice, health care, and worker's rights, showing that it is possible to champion these issues and win elections. 

Seeing candidates who actually represent their constituencies is all a part of what we want to do here. Nadarius saw that his representative was not working on behalf of the people and he stepped up. Now we're asking you to step up to support him.  Can you help us out by contributing $25, $50, $100, or more to our tandem fundraising effort to make sure that Josh gets re-elected? 
In Solidarity, 
KTBBH takes its initials from the late great Henry Howell who said he would "Keep the Big Boys Honest."  That's what Progressives need to do now in the Commonwealth of Virginia. We rely solely on everyday donors like you to make sure that we support elected officials who only answer to you, the people.  Consider helping out our cause by donating anything you can afford now. 
Paid for and Authorized by KTBBH PAC

Our Mailing Address is: 
PO Box 101547
Arlington, VA 22210

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