ADD YOUR NAME: The 2021 redistricting processes in all 50 states must be transparent, reject gerrymandering, and put people first, not politicians >>
John, the new district maps that all 50 states draw this year will
have a major impact on the resources and representation that our
communities receive -- starting with the 2022 midterm elections.
Today marks the official beginning of that process -- and I want your help to make sure it’s honest, fair, and equitable.
You see, the Census Bureau just released redistricting data from the official 2020 Census -- which means mapmakers in most states will soon start drawing the voting district maps we’ll use for the 2022 midterm elections and beyond.
If we don’t speak out, there’s a real threat that the maps they draw will put politicians, not people, first. And if that happens, millions of
Americans will be locked out of fair representation in our government for the next decade.
John, I don’t want to let that happen. If you don’t either -- can you please take the first step today by adding your name to stop gerrymandering in every state in the country?
It’s important to me that everyone who lives here has a meaningful say in the decisions that affect our lives. But in order to guarantee
that, we must take immediate action to stop partisan politicians from
drawing unfair maps this year.
If we don’t, some will abuse their control of the process to create
gerrymandered districts -- resorting to despicable tactics like “packing
and cracking” to limit the political influence of Black and Brown
voters and protect incumbents.
It’s critical that we act now. States are beginning to draw their maps -- and some will be speeding to finish them with little to no community input.
It’s up to us to make sure that our communities, especially those
that have been shut out of our democracy in the past, have a real say in
the process -- and that the process relies on accurate data from the
2020 Census, not numbers that have been manipulated for political gain.
Sign the Petition: We demand that this decade’s district maps -- in every state in the country -- reject gerrymandering, are based on reliable and accurate Census data, and put people first, not politicians.
The next ten years of elections, policy decisions, and political power in our states rely on this, John.
We must speak out for fair and transparent redistricting processes
nationwide -- that don’t put the needs of partisan politicians before
the voices of our communities.
Thanks for all you do,
Devon Nir, Digital Strategies Manager
and the team at Common Cause
P.S. Want to learn more about redistricting and how to advocate for your community through community mapping and testifying? Register for our Redistricting Community College webinar on August 19 or August 26!
And, you can get a head start by seeing how redistricting works in your state, or by checking out these resources for how to get more involved for fair maps in your own community.