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 News of the Week

Gov. Andrew Cuomo to Resign Following Sexual Harassment Allegations
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, embroiled for the last few months in several high-profile scandals—including accusations by nearly a dozen women, many of them government staffers, who say he sexually harassed them or touched them without consent—announced Tuesday that he was resigning from the state’s highest office.

Future Gov. Kathy Hochul Pledges New Direction After Cuomo Resigns: ‘I’m Ready’
“I spoke with Governor Cuomo yesterday and he pledged his full support for a smooth transition,” Hochul said Wednesday. “Regarding his decision to step down, I believe it is appropriate, and in the best interest of the state of New York.”

E-scooters, First in the City, Head to the East Bronx—to Mixed Reactions
‘Everything has been car-centric since Robert Moses divided the borough in half with the Cross Bronx Expressway,’ one Bronxite, who welcomes the scooters, told City Limits. ‘It’s just a matter of righting a lot of those wrongs, and we’re glad the city is finally paying attention to us.’

To Measure NYC’s Heat Islands, Scientists Recruit Residents in Hardest-Hit Neighborhoods
New York is the third worst city—behind Newark, N.J., and New Orleans, La.—in terms of urban heat islands, with temperatures reaching an average of more than 7.6 degrees higher than less developed areas nearby.

Climate Stakeholders on What the IPCC Report Means for New York
In light of the grim findings, environmental leaders reiterated calls for the state to pass legislation to fine corporations that fail to reduce emissions. Locally, the City Council is considering a measure to restrict fossil fuel hookups in new construction sites and gut renovations. 

NY’s Slow-Moving Rent Relief Program Will Meet Federal Deadline, State Officials Insist
The Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) has given funds to about 7,000 households, a fraction of the 158,000 unique applications the state has received. Under federal guidelines, states must send their rental assistance funding back to Washington if they fail to administer 65 percent of the cash by Sept. 30.

Rep. Ritchie Torres Strikes Deal to Keep Proposed High-Voltage Converter Out of South Bronx’s ‘Asthma Alley’
A representative for the companies behind the proposal say they’ve since agreed to revise the plans in response to the community opposition, and if the project is approved, would build the converter in an industrial area outside of the Bronx.

The Andrew Cuomo File: 1997-2021

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Una Ciudad Sin Límites

¿Cómo Texas quiere disuadir a inmigrantes de no cruzar la frontera con la ‘operación estrella solitaria’?
 La “operación estrella solitaria” (Operation Lone Star), que ha lanzado el gobernador Abbott es un conjunto de políticas para disuadir a los migrantes de no cruzar la frontera. Recientemente ordenó interceptar cualquier vehículo sospechoso de transportar migrantes y una juez federal pronto bloqueó la medida.

“Mensajeros de confianza”: el plan de las organizaciones comunitarias para incrementar las tasas de vacunación en Nueva York
Si bien no hay un plan completamente definido por parte de las organizaciones que hacen parte de este esfuerzo, sí hay unas directrices para impulsar la vacunación en comunidades afectadas desproporcionadamente por la pandemia en Nueva York.

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City Views

Opinions on Policy and Politics

Opinion: Solitary Confinement by Any Other Name is Still Solitary, and Needs to End
‘New York City officials claim people in “alternatives to solitary” will have at least 10 hours of daily out-of-cell time, with counseling and programming. But their actual plan involves people being locked alone in a cell twenty-three hours a day, everyday, for indefinite periods of time.’

Opinion: NY Must Overhaul Statute of Limitations Laws for Childhood Sexual Abuse
‘On Aug. 14, the New York Child Victims Act’s two-year civil sexual abuse statute of limitations “window” will close, and older victims whose claims had previously been time-barred will be foreclosed from seeking justice.’

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