Hi John,
We've reached the final few days of our week-long Annual Pro-Life Roadshow 2021. It's been an amazing experience - engaging with the people of Northern Ireland on their local streets - and most importantly changing hearts and minds on abortion
We kicked off the Roadshow in Enniskillen and Derry City on Saturday. Then our week-long Roadshow visited other towns across Northern Ireland. On Tuesday we were in BANGOR, on Wednesday we arrived in WARRENPOINT, and then on Thursday the Roadshow hit BELFAST

We launched our new leaflet on the Roadshow - DID YOU KNOW?... There are politicians in Northern Ireland who support the murder of babies in the womb. The leaflet exposes the Political Parties in Northern Ireland that colluded and supported the Westminster Government's imposition of abortion on Northern Ireland. Any politician in Northern Ireland who supports Westminster’s abortion law allowing the killing of a baby in the womb - for any reason, right up to the moment of birth - must be challenged. The leaflet urges people to contact the Political Parties and tell them you will only vote for them if they work to restore full legal protection for all unborn babies in Northern Ireland, and give a guarantee to do everything in their power to Repeal Section 9 If any Politician or Party will not give this guarantee, they must be told that you will not give them your vote, no matter how appealing their other policies may be. The next Election for the Northern Ireland Assembly is due to be held in May 2022 - that's only 9 months away - so it's vital that people ACT NOW to challenge the Politicians. Our new leaflet got a great response from the public during the Roadshow. If you would like copies to distribute to your family, friends, church, and community, give us a call on 02890278484 or email [email protected]

On the last two days of our Roadshow we visit seaside towns on the Antrim Coast. Tomorrow Friday 13th August we arrive in PORTRUSH and then the grand finale will be on Saturday 14th August in BALLYCASTLE
Come along and join us. We look forward to seeing you! If you would like any further information, call us on 📞02890278484 or email 📧 [email protected]
Best regards,
The Precious Life Communications Team