The far right is riding their momentum from January 6 to recruit tomorrow's insurrectionists. Now the Department of Homeland Security is concerned that the increased activity in shady online forums will result in real acts of violent extremism.
DHS: "Some conspiracy theories associated with reinstating former President Trump have included calls for violence.”
Conspiracy theorists are taking their cues from right-wing members of Congress. Extremist Republicans like Paul Gosar, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, and many others are jockeying to lead this increasingly radical political faction. These GOP leaders don't care what toxic worldview they are perpetuating -- they only care about seizing power.
Their threat needs to be taken seriously, friend. Progressive Majority has launched an Insurrectionist Knockout Fund to topple the alt-right's figureheads in Congress. Our democracy is in danger as long as Gosar, Greene, Boebert, and all the others are allowed to keep their seats. Can we count on you to help bar the alt-right from Congress for good?
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Don't lose hope, friend. If you are feeling overwhelmed by the alt-right's threat to our way of life, know that you aren't alone. And we're not going to let them get away with it. Thank you for your support.
- Progressive Majority

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Suite 310
Washington, DC 20003
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