
While President Biden continues to drive up inflation, allows Americans to be forced behind masks, and repeatedly ignores his Border Crisis, Americans are growing more and more pessimistic about our future under the current administration. 

In a poll conducted by ABC, they found that 55% of Americans are pessimistic about the direction we are heading, and honestly who can blame them?
Take a look:
In the past six months, we have seen the Biden Administration fail at nearly every opportunity. 

  • America’s enemies like China and Russia have increased their cyber-attacks on the US. 

  • Texan border towns and communities have been left to fend for themselves. 

  • Rising inflation is putting our entire economy in jeopardy.

Fortunately, while 55% of Americans may think our future looks bleak, I KNOW the first step in changing that fate is flipping the House in 2022. 
Next November will be our chance to take back Congress and ensure that President Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and the rest of the Radical Left are no longer allowed to fail America. We will hold them accountable for their disastrous agenda and work to put America First, where it belongs!

I know things look tough, but if we all come together to change America, we can bring security to our borders, accountability to our enemies, and pathways to success for all. Can I count on you to pitch in and join the fight to put America First?

For Texas and America, 
Beth Van Duyne