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Hi John

The countryside, for us, isn’t just about rolling fields, shady woods or the scurry of a fieldmouse (although those things are great!) 

It’s about the stories, experiences and community that we can all find there. 

It’s precious moments with friends in your favourite beauty spot. It’s the simple pleasure of seeing a familiar place evolve with the seasons. It’s waving hello to your neighbour. 

That’s why we asked you to share your story of what a week in the countryside looks like for you. 

We’ve put all these moments together to celebrate your rural stories, and shared them on social media. Why not check it out?

Watch and share the video on Facebook by clicking the image below.

Not on Facebook? Watch on Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube.

Thank you for sharing your experiences, whether you sent us a video, photos or simply told us a story.

It was heart-warming to see how much you all love the countryside, in all its diversity.

We know that spending time in the countryside is special to us all; it brings people and nature together.

We are the countryside. Thank you for being part of it.

Best wishes,

Calum McGregor
Digital Engagement Officer | CPRE The countryside charity

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