2020 Democrats burn cash faster than they can raise it
As the Democratic presidential field narrows, some of the top-tier candidates remain strong in fundraising while others struggle to garner enough support to stay in the game, Tuesday’s quarterly filings show.
Having sworn off high-dollar fundraisers, Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), the two frontrunners popular among grassroots donors and ranking near the top of all polls, respectively brought in $27.6 million and $24.5 million during the third quarter. Sanders now tops all his Democratic opponents with $33.7 million on hand, with Warren ranking second with $25.7 million.
Former Vice President Joe Biden, who had led national and Iowa polls until being overtaken by Warren earlier this month, raised $15.3 million in the past three months, significantly less than Sanders or Warren. The campaign spent $17.2 million during the same period.
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