Hey there,
Senator Rand Paul's war against Dr. Fauci isn't over yet -- and given Paul's recent fundraising haul, it may never be. Just take a look at Rand Paul's fundraising form:
Photo alt-text: Image of Dr. Fauci putting on a mask. The image is part of Rand Paul's fundraising campaign and says, "STOP THE MASK THEATER, FIRE DR. FAUCI."
That's right, a sitting US Senator thinks keeping ourselves safe is “mask theater.” What's worse is his anti-vaxxer campaign is paving the way for his re-election.
Here's the good news for us, team: Charles Booker, the progressive running against Rand Paul, is a force to be reckoned with. After raising half a million dollars while just exploring a bid for US Senate, Booker's forward momentum hasn't slowed for an instant.
And Charles Booker just received one of the most influential endorsements in Democratic politics: Senator Elizabeth Warren's.
Warren even anticipated what some Democrats might think of her endorsement, asking: “Gee, isn't Kentucky a red state? Isn't it going to be hard to win?”
“Well, let me tell you a little story,” Warren responded. “When I was first thinking about running for the Senate, I heard the same thing.”
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