This is bad news, folks:
Mother Jones:
GOP Could Retake the House in 2022 Just by Gerrymandering Four Southern States
A new study finds that Republicans could gain up to 13 seats in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, and Texas.
Tomorrow the Census Bureau will be releasing the demographic data used to draw new congressional and state legislative maps for the next decade. Republicans have been waiting for this moment because they’ll finally have a shot at taking back the House by manipulating the maps. This means the gains we made in places like Lucy McBath’s district in Georgia, where new power is being exercised by communities of color, could be wiped away in a flash by GOP gerrymandering.
Now here’s the good news: Voto Latino has registered and mobilized thousands and thousands of voters in all four of those states and with your help, we can turn out hundreds of thousands of voters in 2022 to change the electorate, overcome Republican gerrymandering, and keep Congress blue!
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In Georgia alone, we registered 35,000 people in 2020; President Biden's margin of victory was under 12,000 votes. Now the challenge will be to replicate our 2020 success in 2022 – but with Republicans plotting dirty tricks like gerrymandering, disinformation, and voter suppression, our numbers will have to be even bigger.
That's where you come in, team. Will you pitch in right now ($18 helps us register and mobilize one voter) to help Democrats win in key states and keep our progress going?
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– Voto Latino
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