In the United States, one in three women and one in four men have experienced some form of physical violence by an intimate partner.

Here in Washington State, the numbers are even higher -- 42.6% of Washington women and 28.3% of Washington men have experienced intimate partner physical or sexual violence and/or stalking in their lifetimes.

Whether we see it or hear about it or not, abuse is happening all around us. This is why we observe Domestic Violence Awareness Month every October, to end the stigma surrounding partner abuse and rededicate ourselves to taking real action to end the cycle.

But in order to make ending domestic violence a reality, we must ALL take steps to do better.

Over six months ago, the House voted to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act -- with my amendment to increase the number of health care professionals who are able to assist children exposed to violence. But due to Mitch McConnell's failure to act in a timely fashion, this landmark legislation that helped fund programs meant to prevent and prosecute abuse against women expired.

John, we can -- and we must -- take action.

Join me in demanding Mitch McConnell and Republican Senators reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act now and start putting survivors' safety and well-being before their partisan games. Add your name now.

Thank you,

Dr. Kim Schrier

Paid for by Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress

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