Dear John,
Thanks to your partnership, Human Coalition reaches tens of thousands of women every year who are considering abortion and are desperate for help and hope. Each of these women come to us facing different circumstances that lead them to believe abortion is their only option.
Some are struggling to find and keep a job. Some do not have access to affordable childcare. Some are in toxic or abusive relationships with the father of the baby. Some already have children and can’t see how they can take on another. And others just have no support from their family or friends.
No matter how small or big these obstacles appear from the outside, they have a tremendous impact on their decision to pursue an abortion. In fact, over 75% of the moms who come to Human Coalition seeking an abortion tell us they would prefer to parent if their life circumstances were different.
Then, in some cases, the situation is complicated even further because of the mom’s age.
Overall, according to the CDC, about 37% of the reported abortions nationwide in 2018 were for women 24 years old or younger. That means over 200,000 women in their early 20s or teenage years had an abortion in 2018 – and that only covers the abortions that were reported.
As a father of three girls, the reality of these statistics hit particularly close to home for me. I just can’t imagine how scared and vulnerable these young women feel.
Recently, one of these moms posted her story on – a website run by Human Coalition where family members of aborted children can post stories, thoughts, and prayers in remembrance of their child. Some family members will post their story decades after the abortion has taken place. Others post within a few weeks or months.
But this mom posted her story only days after the abortion. Here is an excerpt from her story:
“To my little bean, you weren’t planned at all… When I first told your grandma, I told her via a letter while I sat on the bathroom floor bawling as she read it. I stated abortion wasn’t an option, she was mad.
“…You were so little they had to use the internal ultrasound tool to be able to get a good look at you. I cried when she showed me the yolk sac and pointed out your little body!! I was so happy and couldn’t wait for you to get bigger so I could know if you were a boy or a girl… But I let [G]randma convince me into getting the abortion.
“She rubbed in my face that all her co-workers’ daughters who were my age just bought a brand-new car or house with their boyfriend. I let her convince me that the diagnosis of hyperemesis meant it was high risk and I could die even though that’s not at all what it was.
“So, on May 8 of 2021, I got one last good look at you before I allowed the doctors to rip you from my body and I regret it so bad.

Ultrasound image of this mom’s child included in her story on
“…I’m so sorry I took your life away from you… I was prepared to give you the life I never had, and yes, it would’ve been hard being a 20-year-old mom with no license or car as well as your daddy, but we were prepared to try our hardest for you… [M]ommy and [D]addy miss you so much and we’re never going to forget you… I love you.”
Heartbreaking stories like this are a reminder of why your support of the National Rescue System is so important.
Thanks to you, moms of all ages receive the lifesaving support they may not receive from a family member or friend at home. They are encouraged that they can have a successful life – finish school, buy a car, have a career, and even own a house – while also choosing life for their child. They are given real solutions to overcome their obstacles and improve their circumstances, rather than being told abortion is their only option.
On behalf of each mom and family you serve, thank you for standing in the gap and being a voice of hope. I pray that you continue to partner with Human Coalition to grow the National Rescue System to reach even more moms – before it’s too late.
For Life,
Benjamin Watson
Vice President of Strategic Relationships
P.S. — Will you take a few minutes right now to encourage the mom who shared her story above, as well as all the moms and family members who have posted on Abortion Memorial? Visit the page today and show them God’s love with comments of encouragement: