CCL volunteers smash through Senate goal;
now on to the House
We wrote, we phoned, we talked to friends and family, and in the end, CCL volunteers smashed through our goal of getting 14,000+ people to contact their senators about supporting a carbon price in the upcoming reconciliation bill. As of this morning, 21,389 constituents have delivered more than 50,000 messages to their senators. The emails and calls have had an impact. CCL Executive Director Mark Reynolds heard from a volunteer who was told by a Senate staffer that carbon pricing was “brought up in last Wednesday’s meeting because in the past two weeks they have been getting a lot of calls… She said there had been no calls and suddenly there are a lot of calls, and it is hitting their radar.” With the Senate campaign completed, attention now turns to our representatives. We want them to support carbon pricing when the budget reconciliation bill arrives in the House. On an all-leaders call Tuesday night, we launched a three-week campaign with the goal of getting 10,000 constituents to email and phone their House members. As with the Senate campaign, a page has been set up with simple instructions and easy-to-use tools for participating in the House campaign. Once you’ve written to and phoned your representative, ask others to join the campaign.
In other news this week: Infrastructure bill passes in Senate: In a victory for bipartisanship, the Senate yesterday passed an infrastructure bill that contains spending on projects to address climate change. Attention now turns to the budget reconciliation bill that will contain more measures to reduce carbon emissions, and CCL is working to get carbon pricing included in that bill. Learn more in our latest blog. November conference will be virtual: Because of the surge in cases of the COVID-19 Delta variant, CCL has decided to hold the November conference and lobbying online, as we did with the June conference. “As much as we would love to be together in person again, the health and safety of our people must come first,” said CCL Executive Director Mark Reynolds. Registration for the virtual conference will open toward the end of September. New books from CCL board members: Looking for good reads? Two of CCL’s Advisory Board members, Dr. Hahrie Han and Dr. Katharine Hayhoe, have new titles available. Dr. Han’s book, “Prisms of the People: Power and Organizing in Twenty-First-Century America,” is out now. Dr. Hayhoe’s book, “Saving Us: A Climate Scientist’s Case for Hope and Healing in a Divided World,” will be released in September, but you can pre-order it now to get a signed bookplate from Dr. Hayhoe while supplies last. Looking for a job in the climate arena? Citizens’ Climate Education is currently hiring for two full time positions: Student Engagement Manager and Grant Writer. There are also climate-related jobs outside CCL. Check the Climate Jobs Forum on CCL Community to see what’s available. |