The Senate Judiciary committee just received hours of shocking testimony from Donald Trump's former acting Attorney General Jeff Rosen. Democrats on the committee are shocked by what they heard, friend:
“The American people deserve to know how close we came to catastrophe.” -- Senator Richard Blumenthal
Donald Trump tried to weaponize his Department of Justice to overturn a free, fair, democratic election in an obvious ploy to hold on to power. Now, thanks to our fearless Democrats on the Senate Judiciary committee, we are learning every detail of just how guilty Trump is. Richard Blumenthal says there is “real potential” that Trump will face charges -- and we know that means the authoritarian right-wing is going to amplify its attacks on progressives fighting for justice.
"There was a lot of activity by Trump personally and by those supporting him to try to put pressure on the Department of Justice to back up his whacky 'big lie' theories.” -- Chairman Dick Durbin
Holding Donald Trump and his supporters accountable for the insurrection at the Capitol on January 6 means giving bold progressive leaders the tools they need to seek out answers in the Senate Judiciary Committee. Without Dick Durbin and Richard Blumenthal applying pressure in the Senate, Nancy Pelosi's brave House select committee would be standing alone against a vast Republican conspiracy to pretend that Donald Trump's insurrection never happened. Progressive Majority is making sure our progressive champions have the resources to get to the bottom of this, but we're outnumbered, friend. Can we count on you to stand with us?
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We know that Donald Trump played a central role in encouraging the January 6 insurrection at the Capitol, friend. Trump and his cronies think they are above the law, but we know better. Thank you for helping progressive leaders hold them accountable.
- Progressive Majority

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Washington, DC 20003
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