We’re sick to our stomachs.

Tim Alexander For Congress


American democracy is on the line, and politicians like Rep. Jeff Van Drew are letting it happen. Will you join us in the fight to defeat Jeff Van Drew? >>>

First: Donald Trump and far-right loyalists attempted to overturn a free and fair election — and pushed voter fraud conspiracy tactics used by dictators.

Then: Far-right extremists embraced the Big Lie to introduce over 400 voter suppression bills across 49 states — and 30 have become law (!!!!).

Now: Congressional action is the only way to protect our right to vote across the country. But Republicans have blocked the For the People Act and made it clear that the John Lewis Voting Rights Act would be dead upon arrival in the Senate.

The truth is Rep. Jeff Van Drew is part of the problem. He would rather suck up to Donald Trump than speak out in defense of our democracy and protect our right to vote.

We’re building a grassroots movement to replace Jeff Van Drew with Tim Alexander – a leader who will never turn his back on the people of South Jersey. Our average contribution is $24.12. Can we count on your donation to help Tim defeat Jeff Van Drew >>>

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Team Alexander HQ

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Tim Alexander is a former detective and civil rights attorney, running to defeat Trump loyalist Jeff Van Drew in New Jersey’s 2nd Congressional District.
Can you rush a $5 donation to help fuel our grassroots movement and flip this seat blue? >>>


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