Hi John,
We've been eagerly awaiting the release of the 2020 census data because this information will be used by states to draw their maps. The redistricting process is about to be fully underway across the country.
We’ve been telling you 2021 is primetime for redistricting. But census delays -- due to the pandemic and decisions that were made under the Trump Administration -- put the delivery of redistricting data in flux, shifting the map drawing timeline in almost every single state.
Now that we know that the Census Bureau is planning to release this anticipated data tomorrow -- we’re about to enter an urgent phase in the fight for fair maps.
There is not a one-size-fits-all approach to map drawing, but there are some things people can look for. Primarily, a fair process and outcome. That means a transparent process with robust public input. And it also means maps should be responsive to the will of the people and represent communities of interest in a state.
We expect some initial maps may come out as soon as early September and the vast majority of maps to pass by December. Redistricting is about to take off -- fast!
And since we’re working on a condensed timeline, All On The Line will be forced to focus its attention and finite resources on dozens of states all at the same time. We set a mid-month goal of raising $50,000 by Sunday at midnight to get it done but need your help.
Can we count on you to make a one-time donation of $25 right now? We’re only $11,695 away from reaching our goal. If we see an uptick in donations in the next few hours, it will help our team properly prepare and strategize for the road ahead.
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately: |
-- The AOTL Team
All On The Line is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund. Support our work to end gerrymandering.