Hi John,

Ghost guns have been back in the news and the reports are alarming. Last week, a leaked government report warned that domestic terrorists and white supremacists are increasingly arming themselves with so-called “ghost guns,” untraceable, homemade firearms that anyone can buy in parts or kits and build at home.

We knew these guns were favored by extremists before this new report. Earlier this year, officials found half dozen illegal ghost guns, 80 percent receiver kits, nearly $1 million worth of meth, and Nazi paraphernalia in a Pennsylvania home.

Just the basic facts about ghost guns are truly shocking. They are designed to avoid all gun laws (including background checks), nearly impossible for law enforcement to trace, and as easy to build at home as a lego set.

Fortunately, there is a major solution before us right now: President Biden recently proposed an executive action that calls for the ATF (the federal agency that enforces gun laws) to regulate ghost guns. The ATF is collecting public comments on the proposed rule through August 19. We need your help to act quickly to show overwhelming support for regulating ghost guns. Submit your comment today to urge ATF to keep these lethal weapons off our streets.

This is urgent. Already, the NRA and gun lobby have turned out tens of thousands of comments that oppose ghost gun regulation. We need to show that Americans want this rule to become finalized and we want our government to prioritize our safety from gun violence over gun industry profits.

If Americans show enough support for this solution, then these homemade guns will finally be treated as the real, fully functioning firearms that they are. Please take action today!

With gun violence rates surging, we can’t afford to let these untraceable, undetectable firearms flood our communities.

Thank you for joining us in fighting for a safer future,
Dylan (he/him)


P.O. Box 4187
Seattle, WA 98194

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