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You can’t get more stark than this. As the UN Secretary General puts it: it’s “code red for humanity”.

Headline: 'Code Red for Humanity': Humans Driving 'Unprecedented' Climate Change, U.N. Report Finds

The message from the scientists in Monday’s IPCC [1] report is clear:


  • Humans are "unequivocally" to blame for the climate crisis, having emitted 2,400 billion tonnes of CO2 to date.
  • The IPCC report predicts that 1.5ºC will be reached by 2040 in all predicted scenarios - and if emissions don’t come down, earlier than that.
  • Extreme weather events like this summer’s floods and fires will get more and more likely, while the Arctic will be “practically ice-free” for at least one summer by 2050.


That all sounds really bad, and it is. But there is still hope. Cutting emissions now could still limit the warming process, keeping warming within 1.5ºC and halting further temperature rises.

Tell Johnson to act
Sign the petition calling for action

Put simply: if we act now, the worst of climate catastrophe can still be averted. That’s why we’re campaigning for Boris Johnson to take real action on climate change in the next months, before the UK hosts a critical UN climate summit, COP26, in Glasgow. That means dropping hypocritical policies like keeping the door open to a new oil field, and backing up lofty words with real, concrete policies to deliver the emission reductions we need.


So far almost 140,000 people have signed our petition calling on Boris Johnson to take real climate action - but to have a real impact, we need to get it going a lot higher. Can you add your name, and help us get to 150,000 and beyond? It might not seem like a lot - and it is, of course, just one of many tactics we’ll be using - but a lot of people rallying behind one message can be very effective in helping MPs and ministers feel the pressure.

Thank you for everything you do - and remember, although the situation is bad, we can still go a long way toward turning it around. If you’d like to read more about what you can do as an individual, check out our guide here. And of course, we’ll be in touch again over the coming months with more actions for you to take. ✊


Thank you, and best wishes,



Greenpeace UK



[1] The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. For more on the report see, for example, the Guardian's article here.


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