America's Oldest & Largest Young Republican Club

Club Of The Year Award!

On August 14th, the New York Young Republican Club will be recognized for our achievements over the past year with the Club of the Year Award presented by the Association of New York State Young Republican Clubs.

Despite the draconian COVID-19 lockdowns and the myriad obstacles that come with them, the New York Young Republican Club was steadfast in meeting all goals and milestones we set for ourselves. In July 2021, we surpassed 700 members, and are well on track to reaching 1,000 members. Our growing membership base forms the backbone of our Club’s ability to expand our reach. This acceleration in growth could only be achieved by our outstanding work in politics, whether it be hosting events, deployments, or rallies.

To highlight a few noteworthy occasions, in June 2020, we co-organized the “Save Teddy Rally,” which drew over 300 individuals to the entrance of the American Museum of Natural History to protest the planned removal of its Teddy Roosevelt statue and to defend his dignity and our shared American history from the desecration of leftist revisionists. The Club was featured in national and local publications and news outlets, including Fox News, The New York Post, National Review, Daily Mail, and others, and the statue still stands at the entrance of the museum today. Last December, we hosted our “forbidden” 108th Gala in Jersey City. We hosted keynote speakers Congressman Matthew L. Gaetz II and Project Veritas founder James E. O’Keefe III. Despite the event being compliant with all relevant COVID-19 restrictions, we still drew criticism from radical local Democrats, including the governors of both New York and New Jersey, and the left-wing media.

Additionally, to help facilitate our operations, the NYYRC established a Clubhouse in early 2021 in Manhattan. This is no small feat as real estate in New York City is anything but cheap. Despite this hurdle, we secured a 1,300-square-foot space where we safely host club events and conduct our business and meetings. The space can accommodate up to 80 guests, has breakout rooms for private meetings, and has a classy art deco look. We are the only Young Republican club to have a clubhouse.

Some remaining noteworthy achievements include our new merch store, the revival of our monthly publication “The Record,” and the founding of caucuses, that act independently and are affiliated with the club. These include the Hispanic Conservative Caucus, Asian American Caucus, and Uniformed Servicemembers Caucus, which foster safe spaces and political action within their respective demographics.

We are proud of our accomplishments and hope that our selfless work will inspire Young Republicans in New York and throughout the nation, especially in blue cities and states, to stand up and fight to preserve our values for the betterment of the greatest country on Earth: the United States of America.

Read on Website!

March on Gracie Mansion!

Join us for a rally outside of Gracie Mansion to protest Mayor Bill "Big Bird" DeBlasio's planned executive orders on vaccine mandates.

When: Sunday, August 15

Time: 3:30 P.M.

Where: Outside Gracie Mansion (Corner of 88th Street and East End Avenue)

Speakers to be announced.

Endorsement: Jackie Toboroff For City Council (CD-1)

The New York Young Republican Club is proud to endorse Jackie Toboroff for New York City Council, District 1. Jackie Toboroff is a born and raised New Yorker, raising her 2 children here in New York, and knows first-hand the struggles all New Yorkers face in 2021. The streets are unclean and unsafe, the mentally ill now roam the subways unsupervised, the city’s present political leadership has adopted anti-business policies, and is openly hostile to entrepreneurship, and has vilified working-class families. Toboroff knows that New York City is spending way beyond its means and is bankrupt. New York City cannot continue under the present trajectory and Toboroff is ready to get back to business basics and prioritize the budgeting of essential city functions and services. On the New York City Council, Toboroff will: 

  • Fully fund and support the New York Police Department 
  • Hold all city agencies accountable 
  • Cut spending 
  • Pass a balanced budget 
  • Ban Critical Race Theory 
  • Remove all public school syllabi that teach our children to hate 

In fact, Toboroff has already written legislation, called the “Parent’s Bill of Rights,” and will introduce it on day one. In short, this bill requires all New York City Public Schools to provide the entire curriculum in advance of the school year for parental review, allows parents to opt-out of Department of Education emails, and requires the school to report a child’s grades to parent/s after fourteen days. Overall, the bill aims to empower parents to be provided with clear oversight over their child’s education and common sense features for accountability. 

Toboroff is a life-long New Yorker who grew up on the Upper East Side, attended New York University, graduated from Parsons with a Bachelors of Fine Arts, currently lives in Lower Manhattan, and is a self-described ‘creative.’ Toboroff’s message to her fellow creatives is to join her campaign and bring their creativity. In her own words, “There’s nothing sexier than being a Republican. We are the Party of creative ideas, inclusion, freedom, and small government. The left is boring, all they want to do is destroy, and it’s time for adult supervision to step in and provide leadership.”

Jackie Toboroff knows what her community needs and will not stop fighting until victory is achieved. There is a special opportunity in this election cycle to elect a whole new crop of qualified leaders who will return New York’s character to New York. 

The New York Young Republican Club looks forward to seeing Jackie Toboroff lead in New York City Council District 1. The New York Young Republican Club strongly urges all New York City voters to support Jacqueline Toboroff for New York City Council District 1.

Read on Website!

Board Position Available: Communications Committee Chairman

The New York Young Republican Club is looking for a new Communications Committee Chairman.

The Chairman of this committee serves as a voting member of the Club’s Board of Governors and reports directly to the Corresponding Secretary. We are looking for someone with a passion for both conservative politics and a background in either marketing, public relations, social media, or other related fields.

Applicants must be a current member of the Club in good standing and be willing to commit to at least one board meeting and one Club event per month. This position requires 30 minutes of work daily to post across our social media accounts.

If you are interested in applying for this position please fill out the application form here and if you qualify we will reach out to set up a video interview.


Club of the Year Celebration (Members Only Open Bar)

The New York Young Republican Club has been named 'Club of the Year' by the Association of New York State Young Republican Clubs. Join us for a member's only open bar celebration!

When: Monday, August 23

Time: 7:00 P.M. Doors Open

Price: $10 (Members Only)

Location: Disclosed to Ticket Purchasers

Open Bar.

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August Speaker Series with Scott Presler

Join us as we welcome Scott Presler as our August speaker.

Date: Thursday, August 26

Time: 7:00 P.M. Doors Open / 7:30 P.M. Event Start

Location: 3 West Club (3 West 51st Street)

Online Price: $5 Members / $10 Non-Members

At-Door Price: $10 Members / $15 Non-Members

Cash Bar Available.
Get Tickets!

New York Young Republican Club's 109th Annual Gala

Join the New York Young Republican Club for our 109th Annual Gala, featuring Rep. Lauren Boebert, Lt. Col. Allen West, and Steve Cortes!

The New York Young Republican Club is the oldest and largest Young Republican club in the United States, incorporated in 1911 with predecessor organizations dating to 1856. On December 4, we will hold our 109th Annual Gala, just as we have done through every major world event, including both World Wars and COVID-19, since our foundation. We are excited to welcome back both members and guests for a black-tie evening featuring an open bar, passed hors d’ouvres, and a seated meal as we hear from high-profile national speakers, mingle with special guests, and discuss opportunities for the advancement of our mission.

The New York Young Republican Club continues to promote the future political leaders of America by advocating for their involvement in local government, as elected officials, and within major political organizations. The Club is officially recognized by the New York State Young Republicans, Young Republican National Federation, as well as county, state, and national Republican committees.

The New York Young Republican Club was created in 1911 to promote and maintain the principles of the Republican Party. Our mission since then has been:

To promote and maintain the principles of the Republican Party: to foster within the Republican Party and make practical in service of the municipality, state and nation, the idealism characteristic of youth; to correct in our own party that tendency of all parties to make organization an end rather than a means; to develop sound principle and public spirit in party politics; to promote honest and fair electoral mentors, to the end that the expression of the popular will by whatever party or body, shall be as free, untrammeled and equal as possible; to resist and expose political corruption; to advocate merit rather than partisan service as entitling to public office; to watch legislation and encourage public attention to and efficiently criticize the conduct of government.


When: Saturday, December 4, 2021

Time: 7:00 P.M Doors Open

Location: Manhattan (Venue disclosed prior to the event to ticket purchasers)


Member Ticket - $295 (Early Bird)

Non-Member Tickets - $325 (Early Bird)

General admission ticket grants attendee access to a full open bar and cocktail hour followed by a three-course meal!

VIP Ticket - $495 (Early Bird)

Enjoy an exclusive VIP Meet & Greet Reception with speakers and special guests! VIP includes reception and general admission.

Sponsorships - $2500

Sponsorship packages include digital logo projection, inclusion in the event program, and recognition during speech. Please inquire for more information!

Get Early Bird Tickets!

Join the Club!

The New York Young Republican Club brings together men and women aged 18 to 40 to discuss important policy issues, promote Republican principles and values, and help elect Republicans to office.  With hundreds of dues-paying members throughout New York City and the United States, the Club engages in politics by:

  • Promoting Republican principles.
  • Supporting campaigns through volunteerism, community outreach, and social media.
  • Networking with politicians and other influential members of the party organization.
  • Having monthly socials at New York City bars and clubs.
  • Holding monthly meetings with speakers, including candidates, authors, pundits, and more.
  • Attending fundraisers, leadership programs, and national conferences.

Show your support for your country, your party, and your city by being a part of the oldest and the largest Young Republican chapter in the nation.

Our membership includes conservatives of all backgrounds. We are dedicated to providing a welcoming environment regardless of race, religion, creed, gender, sexual orientation, age, or occupation. Benefits of membership include early registration access for events, discounts on admission fees, branded merchandise, and the ability to vote in our meetings and affect the governance of the Club. Become a member today and start networking with your fellow New York Republicans!

Join a the Club!

Join a Committee!

During this transformative time for the New York Young Republican Club, many of you have reached out to us asking how to get more involved with the club, and how to better support our efforts.

One effective way to do this is to join a committee. We are currently looking for Vice-Chairs for many of our committees, who will receive special discounts for working events and recognition on our website. In addition to Vice Chair positions, we are looking to build all of our committees in terms of members. 

Please take a moment to review our committees here and contact any committees you are interested in joining at the email address listed on the website. You are allowed to join up to 3 committees per our Bylaws. 

To be a member of a committee you must be a member of the Club in Good Standing. 

We look forward to working with you more closely.

Join a Committee!

Support the Club!

The New York Young Republican Club is a grassroots non-profit organization that relies on the generosity of members and donors to support its operations. We hope you will consider a donation today so that we remain a bastion of conservative values for many years to come!

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Established in 1911, incorporated in 1912, with a legacy from 1856, the New York Young Republican Club is the oldest, largest, and most prestigious Young Republican club in the United States. The Club is affiliated with and officially recognized by the Association of New York State Young Republican Clubs and the Young Republican National Federation, as well as the county, state, and national Republican committees.

© 2021 New York Young Republican Club

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