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Sunday August 8 2021: Coco Das (@Coco_Das)
guest hosts; Sam Goldman interviews Wajahat Ali, author of the new book
Go Back to Where You Came From. Read his columns for the Daily Beast here and follow him on Twitter at @WajahatAli.

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>> Transcript for those who prefer to read
Wajahat Ali: We were deluding ourselves that
the guard rails of this thing called democracy would be enough to
moderate and modulate Trumpism…The January 6 insurrection is not the
end game, it’s a sneak preview. It’s what I call a rough draft. It’s an
exhibition game, and they will perfect it and learn from it and do it
again…What we’re witnessing basically is the death rattle of white
supremacy that has turned into a death march, in my opinion. We’re up
against a very committed, zealous, organized, well-funded counter
majoritarian minority that is playing for all the marbles.
Sam Goldman: This
week an important article appeared in the New Yorker called “The Big
Money Behind the Big Lie,” which details the extreme wealth funding the
Arizona audit. It’s worth reading in its entirety, but I wanted to
highlight this quote by Chad Campbell, a Democrat who was the minority
leader in the Arizona House of Representatives until 2014. Campbell
said that Arizona is in the midst of a “nonviolent overthrow in some
ways—it’s subtle, and not in people’s faces because it’s not happening
with weapons. But it’s still a complete overthrow of democracy. They’re
trying to disenfranchise everyone who is not older white guys.”

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