Friends -- The attacks on Ben & Jerry’s showcase a well-worn tactic of those fighting against progressive change. Supporters of the status quo consistently seek to make the manner and style of protest the issue, not the underlying injustice itself.
J Street


From the intensity of the debate this past month, you might think the crux of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was access to frozen desserts.

The melodramatic meltdown over the Ben & Jerry’s decision to cease sales within illegal settlements has been disingenuous, misleading and distracting. And that might be exactly the point.

Largely missing from the debate has been discussion of what Ben & Jerry’s is actually protesting: A violent, unjust, 54-year occupation that fuels misery, grief and anger on all sides.

This military occupation is carried out in service of a right-wing movement that aims to drive Palestinians from their land, expand settlements and entrench permanent control over the West Bank -- and in the process, it’s destroying our vision of a just, democratic homeland for the Jewish people.

Yes, we must fight misinformation about the Ben & Jerry’s decision. Yes, we must ensure others don’t feel silenced by this toxic debate. And yes, we must resist government-led crackdowns on those speaking out for human rights.

At the same time, we must also continue to expose the dangers of the occupation and fight for the rights of both Israelis and Palestinians to freedom, security and self-determination.

That’s a lot of work -- which is why I was wondering if you might be able to make an August contribution to J Street. Together, we can combat the meltdown and help transform our politics for the better.

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The attacks on Ben & Jerry’s showcase a well-worn tactic of those fighting against progressive change. Supporters of the status quo consistently seek to make the manner and style of protest the issue, not the underlying injustice itself.

Rather than engaging on the substance, opponents smear those of us pushing for change as antisemitic or anti-Israel, or engage in misinformation, ‘whataboutism’ or other distractions.

And I know how disheartening that can feel. As one of only a handful of Jewish kids at my school in Ohio, my first trip to Israel felt truly magical. I was captivated by Jerusalem and its history. But at the same time, deeply distressed by the injustice I saw first-hand in East Jerusalem and the West Bank.

Like so many of us, I’m in this fight because I want to help make real an Israel we can be proud of.

And that’s the truth that scares them:

Ben & Jerry’s has opened up an urgent debate about illegal settlements -- and whether we can truly say we support a peaceful and just two-state solution if we continue to enable and excuse them.

The debate has exposed a gaping chasm between the right-leaning groups who claim to represent Jewish Americans, and the majority of Jewish Americans themselves (who understand the threat that settlements pose to peace, justice and Israel’s democratic future).

This is an important conversation. We cannot allow it to be sidetracked by absurd smears that obscure the facts and what’s really at stake.

Through community organizing, media engagement and national political advocacy in Washington, we’re continuing to underscore the threat the occupation poses to Israelis and Palestinians alike -- and we’re thankful to every supporter who fuels that work.

That includes everyone amplifying our movement via Instagram, Facebook and Twitter AND the thousands of supporters who’ve made a donation so we can boost our message and cut through the noise.

If you feel able, please consider a contribution this August to help sustain our work >>

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Thank you, sincerely, for your ongoing support.


Kevin Rachlin
Vice President of Public Affairs

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J Street is the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans who want Israel to be secure, democratic and the national home of the Jewish people. Working in American politics and the Jewish community, we advocate policies that advance shared US and Israeli interests as well as Jewish and democratic values, leading to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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