Dear Friend,
As a writer and former PEN America President, I’ve had ample occasion to contemplate why literature matters. The answer can be difficult to articulate, but one thing is certain: in countries less free than ours, written expression is often perceived as a threat. Dictators and authoritarians understand very well that language and storytelling are powerful tools of individuality, civic collaboration, and nuanced thought. Literature helps us to remember who we are.
I think of literature as the dream life of the culture that produces it: a creative distillation of the many forces acting upon writers at a particular time. As a nearly 100-year-old institution, PEN America exists to keep our collective dream life healthy and vibrant—and thereby to affirm the humanity we share, despite our differences.
I hope you’ll join our community of more than 7,500 Members and help us to nourish and protect our literature of the next hundred years. You don’t have to be a writer to join (though professional writers are welcome!), just a reader willing to insist upon the crucial importance of the written word.
With thanks and good wishes,

Jennifer Egan