This morning, I was horrified to see Minneapolis Democrat Party Chair Devin Hogan’s comments about the riots and burning of the third precinct that happened last summer. Instead of recognizing rioting and arson as the destructive crimes they are, Devin Hogan praised the actions of the criminals who burned Minneapolis to the ground:
“Like it or not, setting the Third Precinct on fire was a genuine revolutionary moment. An act of pure righteousness to open new worlds of understanding. The people declared themselves ungovernable and unilaterally took their power back. The largest international human rights movement in modern history had begun. The youth of Minneapolis carried all of this. The cops started it.”
Over the past year, Minneapolis residents have been living with crime and terror. Three children have been shot this summer, and there were four murders in the city of Minneapolis within 48 hours just this past weekend. At its current rate, this year will be the deadliest year in the history of Minneapolis.