John, we’ll be honest: we weren’t expecting this.

One of our self-funding Republican opponents is blanketing the airwaves with $10 million in ads -- with a lot of that cash coming from his own pockets. It’s clear the GOP thinks they can buy Ohio’s open Senate seat.

We didn't expect Tim’s opponents to spend this much money this early. They know this seat is one of the most competitive races this cycle -- so if we want to flip it blue, we need to match their early investments.

Can you rush a $5 donation to our Rapid Response Fund to help us fight back against these ads? Your contribution will be split between Tim Ryan and Seth Moulton.


We wish this weren’t the case, but this won’t be the last time we see a wave of GOP money try to distract voters from the real issues.

The GOP could spend up to $100 million attacking Tim this election. It’s not going to be pretty.

Tim was born and raised in Ohio. He’s been in union halls and on picket lines his whole life. He’s tough enough to face these attacks and come out on top -- but he’s gonna need a grassroots team to have his back.

We need to be prepared for anything they throw our way. Our Republican opponents know early investment is key -- will you help us keep up with a donation to our Rapid Response Fund before midnight? Your contribution will be split between Tim Ryan and Seth Moulton.


Let’s do this,

Team Ryan

