Gun Control in Bernie Sanders’ Budget ResolutionTake action today and urge your Senators to VOTE NO on Bernie Sanders’ proposed $3.5 Trillion Budget Resolution that includes funding for gun control! C

Gun Control in Bernie Sanders’ Budget Resolution

Take action today and urge your Senators to VOTE NO on Bernie Sanders’ proposed $3.5 Trillion Budget Resolution that includes funding for gun control! Call them at (202) 224-3121.

The Battle to Defeat Anti-Gun Appropriations Continues TODAY

Dear John, 

As soon as Congress finishes voting on Biden’s $1,200,000,000 infrastructure package, the Senate intends to proceed to a vote on a $3,500,000,000 Budget Resolution that includes instructions to fund gun control at the state level. 

GOA has been monitoring the appropriations process on behalf of gun owners for several months now. 

We need you to take action today and tell your Senators to VOTE NO on the final passage of the $3.5 trillion budget resolution. 

This process began in the House of Representatives—when Speaker Pelosi packed gun licensing, “red flag” gun confiscation orders, and gun buybacks into the appropriation bills H.R. 4502 and H.R. 4505. 

Aidan Johnston, GOA’s Director of Federal Affairs, demanded the gun control be removed from the appropriations packages, but the anti-gunners refused to listen. 

H.R. 4502 passed the House of Representatives, but the Democratic Party failed to unify behind H.R. 4505—and consequently the worst of the gun control never passed the House. 

But those appropriations packages were never the real threat—as H.R. 4502 and H.R. 4505 would need 60 votes to pass the Senate. 

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer doesn’t have those votes. 

It was a sham process so Nancy Pelosi could announce her wish list and draw a line in the sand. 

The House appropriations are dead for the time being, and the real fight is in the Senate with the budget reconciliation process. 

Budget reconciliation only requires a simple majority to pass the Senate. 

That’s how the Biden Administration passed the COVID relief package entitled the American Rescue Plan back in March 2021. 

And here’s the problem!  

The American Rescue Package included ostensibly innocuous funding for “Community Violence Intervention Initiatives.” 

But the anti-gunners seized upon these broadly appropriated funds. 

The Biden Administration has been using funds appropriated for COVID relief in the American Rescue Plan to fund his anti-gun agenda. 

Recently, after meeting with the White House about the insane crime spike in New York City, Mayor-elect Eric Adams bragged about using federal aid to “rebuild [NYC’s] anti-gun unit.” 

This is not acceptable! 

And that’s why I need you to contact your Senators and tell them to VOTE NO on the Budget Resolution—before we spend our tax dollars on more federal gun control enforcement. 

The new Budget Resolution—unveiled by Bernie Sanders on Monday—included funding for more community violence intervention programs. 

Until the Biden Administration can prove that Community Violence Intervention funding is not misused to fund gun control and is only used for honest police work, gun owners must oppose these anti-gun slush funds. 

So please, if you can call the Senate switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and tell your Senator to VOTE AGAINST the gun control contained in Senator Bernie Sanders $3,500,000,000 budget resolution.  

An operator will direct you to your Senators’ offices if you call (202) 224-3121! 

And after you’ve called both your senators, please use our action tool to send a follow up email reminding them that you’re opposed as well! 

In liberty, 

Aidan Johnston 
Director of Federal Affairs 
Follow me on Twitter @RealGunLobbyist 

P.S. Tune in this evening on the GOA Youtube channel for a new episode of GOA’s Minute Man Moment providing more details about this anti-gun budget resolution.

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