
Dear John,

In her meeting with Trump yesterday, Nancy Pelosi famously said that "all roads lead to Putin." NDN strongly agrees, and has been making this argument for some time. Below is a selection of our writings that reminds all of us that the central issue facing American politics today is Trump’s dangerous fealty to Putin.

We hope you enjoy, and feedback is welcome of course. Best, Chris

Questions Of Putin’s Influence Over Trump Will Soon Become Central To Ukraine Affair - Simon Rosenberg, Twitter, 9/24/19 - In a new thread, Simon argues that any in depth investigation into the Ukraine Affair will inevitably lead to another examination of Putin’s extraordinary influence over the American President. 

Trump Has Aligned US Foreign Policy With Putin's In Recent Months - Simon Rosenberg, Twitter, 9/12/19 - In a new thread, Simon details how Trump has aligned US foreign policy with that of Russia in every issue area over the past few months, including on Afghanistan, Venezuela, Brexit, the G7, Syria, Iran, and Ukraine. 

GOP Bringing “Moscow Rules” On Disinformation To American Politics - Simon Rosenberg, NDN, 7/26/19 - A series of events over the past several months raises questions about whether using Russian style disinformation tactics has become a core part of the GOP’s electoral strategy in 2020.

The Country Needs To Stop Downplaying The Enormity Of The Russian Intervention In 2016 - Simon Rosenberg, Twitter Thead, 1/25/19.  In a widely shared thread Simon goes through what Russia did in 2016 and concludes that the campaign was far bigger and more impactful than conventional wisdom holds, and clearly delivered a very close election to Donald Trump. 

The RNC's Russia Problem - Simon Rosenberg, US News And World Report, 4/14/17 - The Republican National Committee has a particularly important role to play in future efforts to protect America's elections. For as we've learned over the past two years, the RNC was at the center of two of the most important components of the Russian campaign – the penetration of Trump's campaign by the Russian government, and the normalization and use of Russian disinformation.

The Stakes Are Higher Than You Realize - Simon Rosenberg, US News And World Report, 9/4/16 - A President Trump might undo all that America has accomplished globally since World War II. 


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