Dear John,
Yesterday, I took action to deliver a message against ‘pro-life’ misinformation at a local restaurant where I live in L.A.
Vibiana, a restaurant and large events venue near me, is hosting the annual gala for the extreme anti-abortion organization Live Action, which is known for harmful anti-LGBT and anti-abortion rhetoric, some of which has already produced dangerous consequences.
Reproaction, along with the Campaign for Accountability, is asking Vibiana to call off this fundraiser and disassociate from anti-abortion extremists. You can watch me deliver our statement and read our letter here.
If you’re as steamed as I am that a venue that hosts charitable and LGBT-inclusive events is also holding a fundraiser for an extreme anti-abortion, anti-LGBT group, join me in letting them know. You can tweet them or tag @vibianaevents in this image on Instagram:
.@VibianaEvents should cancel next month’s gala for the extreme anti-abortion, anti-LGBT group Live Action.
.@VibianaEvents, how could you host @Outfest this month and a Live Action fundraiser the next, when Live Action espouses anti-LGBT and anti-abortion rhetoric on the regular?
In Solidarity,
Kylie Cheung
Campaign Fellow, Reproaction
P.S. We’re staying vigilant to take anti-abortion lies to task. Watch our statement now.