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Change and uncertainty swirl in the air once again as educators and students gear up for another pandemic semester. Whatever help you need, Poynter has you covered:
If you need inspiration
Listen to WriteLane ([link removed]) , the beloved podcast from Pulitzer Prize-winning features journalist Lane DeGregory and her editor Maria Carrillo. Make sure you're subscribed to Alma Matters ([link removed]) , Poynter's newsletter for educators and advisers, and The Lead ([link removed]) , our newsletter for student journalists. And don't forget about our growing library of ripped-from-the-headlines case studies for the classroom, Professor's Press Pass ([link removed]) .
If you need to ensure the basics
Assign or take one of Poynter's recently updated online certificates: Language, Math and News Literacy Certificate ([link removed]) , the always-popular Language Primer Certificate ([link removed]) or Math for Journalists Certificate ([link removed]) .
If you need to level up
Students can hone their reporting skills with Understanding Title IX ([link removed]) , Open Records Success ([link removed]) and the Newsroom Readiness Certificate ([link removed]) . Educators, review your curriculum with an eye toward diversity, equity and inclusion by registering for our November seminar, Diversity Across the Curriculum ([link removed]) .
Find more details and resources at poynter.org/college ([link removed]) . Scroll on for other opportunities from Poynter this fall.
-Andrew DeLong, director of teaching operations
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Census Stories Beyond the Numbers
Webinar, Wednesday, Aug. 11 at 2 p.m. Eastern
On Aug. 12, the U.S. Census Bureau will release in-depth demographic statistics from the 2020 census. The data will reveal how the ethnic, racial and voting age makeup ([link removed]) of neighborhoods, cities, counties and states has changed since the 2010 census, as well as inform political redistricting.
This once-a-decade data dump is immense, detailed, highly technical — and massively influential in communities across the United States. Journalists from all beats will use this data in their reporting for years to come. This webinar, part of Poynter’s training series on the 2020 census ([link removed]) and timed the day before this data is released, will help journalists prepare to cover their changing communities, now and in the future. Media consumers and citizens are invited to participate to understand how news organizations approach big stories like this.
Cost: Free. This effort is led by Big Local News at Stanford University, Census Reporter at Northwestern University and the Associated Press, and is made possible with support from the Google News Initiative and in cooperation with the JSK Journalism Fellowships.
ENROLL NOW ([link removed])
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Will Work For Impact: Fundamentals of Investigative Journalism
Online group seminar, Sept. 2-23, 2021
This four-week, hands-on seminar is for reporters and editors with ambition to do investigative journalism that functions as an important part of democracy. Tune in Sept. 2, 9, 14 and 23 for live instruction from ProPublica assistant managing editor Alexandra Zayas ([link removed]) . You'll analyze award-winning investigations, apply those reporters’ strategies to your own work, complete weekly assignments, interact with your peers and get feedback from Zayas on your work.
Join the 150+ journalists who have graduated from this popular seminar with tangible, practical investigative skills. Enroll as soon as you know this training is for you. Now in its sixth iteration, this seminar regularly sells out.
Cost: $399. Enroll by Wednesday, Sept. 1.
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Poynter Producer Project
Online group seminar, Sept. 20-Oct. 16, 2021
Making stories work involves more than just teases and live shots. This eight-session, four-week online seminar will help you expand your expertise as a TV producer with new writing, storytelling, coaching and ethical decision-making skills.
Poynter Senior Faculty Al Tompkins ([link removed]) and a five-star lineup of visiting professionals will sharpen your writing and ethical decision-making skills, stretch your leadership muscles and increase your value to your newsroom. Lori Waldon ([link removed]) , a former news director and now a general manager, will help you manage your boss and manage your career. Matthew Hilk ([link removed]) , vice president of news and managing editor of CNN/US, will teach you about managing breaking news. And Kelly McBride ([link removed]) , Poynter’s senior vice president, will lead a session on rethinking how we cover crime and justice.
Cost: $499. Apply by Monday, Aug. 23.
Members of AAJA, NABJ, NAHJ, NAJA or NLGJA — 50% tuition scholarships are available, thanks to the Scripps Howard Foundation.
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Diversity Across the Curriculum
Online group seminar, Nov. 1-22, 2021
This course — returning this fall by popular demand! — will give journalism educators an opportunity to make a real impact on the future diversity, inclusion and equity efforts of American newsrooms when they model those values in the classroom.
You will learn how to modify your current teaching to include more diverse classroom examples, readings, videos and speakers. You will understand where, how and why to examine materials for diverse voices. You will develop the instinct to audit the makeup of the topics, sources and authors you introduce into your teaching, and how to pivot to ensure diverse voices are represented.
Your lead faculty is Dr. Earnest Perry ([link removed]) , associate dean of graduate studies at the University of Missouri, a researcher, educator and consultant who specializes in issues related to diversity and inclusion. Barbara Allen ([link removed]) , Poynter’s director of college programming, will facilitate.
Cost: $499. Apply by Sunday, Sept. 26.
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The 2022 Media Transformation Challenge (MTC) Program: A Poynter Institute Executive Fellowship
Online and in-person, Jan. 10, 2022– Jan. 9, 2023
This yearlong program, formerly operated as the Punch Sulzberger Program at Columbia, is designed for executive editors, presidents, publishers, founders and other top-level media leaders. Deliver real results for your enterprise with help from MTC’s world-class tools, concepts, coaches, peer group, and alumni network. Apply by Dec. 3, 2021 ([link removed]) .
Poynter Executive Summit
Online group seminar, Oct. 4-6, 2021
This three-day online program is designed for senior newsroom executives who want to move their organization forward after one of the most challenging years in modern journalism. Topics include retention and adjusting the alchemy of the workplace during this next phase of the pandemic. Apply by Sept. 1, 2021 ([link removed]) .
Becoming a More Effective Writer: Clarity and Organization
Online group seminar, Oct. 4-29, 2021
Clean up your writing habits with the former New York Times copy chief, Merrill Perlman. Cost: $429. Enroll now ([link removed]) .
ACES In-Depth Editing Online Group Seminar
Online group seminar, Nov. 2-23, 2021
This in-depth editing seminar is for experienced editors who are seeking to move their work to a new level. You’ll hone your skills and edit strategically, going beyond editing for style, grammar and punctuation. Cost: $449. Enroll now ([link removed]) . Members of ACES get a $50 discount when they enroll.
Power of Diverse Voices: Writing Workshop for Journalists of Color
Online group seminar, Nov. 18-21, 2021
One of Poynter’s most competitive and transformative programs, this four-day seminar helps journalists of color find their voice and build skills for writing opinion pieces and personal essays. Cost: Free. Apply by Aug. 23 ([link removed]) .
How Any Journalist Can Earn Trust
Self-directed, start anytime
This online, self-paced course will help journalists understand mistrust and gain a better understanding of what trust in news looks like in the U.S. It will also provide you with tips and tools to be more transparent, more engaged and more open with your readers. Cost: Free. Suggested donation: $15. Enroll now ([link removed]) .
How to Spot Misinformation Online
Self-directed, start anytime
You can help your readers tell fact from fiction online in the newest educational resource from Poynter’s MediaWise program, a national, nonpartisan digital literacy initiative. This free, self-guided training is designed to teach simple digital literacy skills to help news consumers outsmart algorithms, detect falsehoods and make decisions based on factual information. Cost: Free. Enroll now ([link removed]) .
Global Fact 8 & 9
Save the date!
Global Fact is an annual conference hosted and organized by Poynter’s International Fact-Checking Network. It has become the premier gathering point to discuss the practice of fact-checking.
2021: Global Fact 8 will be held virtually Oct. 21-23, 2021.
2022: Global Fact 9 is scheduled for June 22-25, 2022 at Oslo Metropolitan University’s City Center Campus in Norway. Learn more ([link removed]) .
• Hey media: Here’s what is important to cover about COVID ([link removed]) . By Tom Jones.
• Gannett launches a network-wide push to rework its crime coverage ([link removed]) . By Angela Fu.
• Why the COVID-19 survival rate is not over 99% ([link removed]) . By Jason Asenso.
• Twitter finally turns to the experts on fact-checking ([link removed]) . By Harrison Mantas.
• Military will seek mandatory vaccinations regardless of full FDA approval ([link removed]) . By Al Tompkins.
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Looking for a new job? Take a look at open positions at Poynter and in the media industry:
• Full-time, temporary reporting/researching/writing position ([link removed]) — Poynter, St. Petersburg, Florida
International Training Manager, MediaWise ([link removed]) — Poynter, St. Petersburg, Florida
• PolitiFact Fact-Checking Reporter ([link removed]) — Poynter, St. Petersburg, Florida
• Editor ([link removed]) — Crain Communications, Inc., New York
• Education Reporter ([link removed]) — The Times Picayune | Nola.com, New Orleans, Louisiana
SEARCH HUNDREDS OF JOBS ([link removed])
• Numbers are not neutral: How journalists can detect deep bias & avoid hidden traps ([link removed]) — Aug. 11 at 11:30 a.m. Eastern, National Press Club Journalism Institute and the National Association of Science Writers.
• The 19th Represents - Virtual Summit: Aug. 16-20, 2021— Mark your calendars for a week exploring why #RepresentationMatters in democracy, sports, business, culture and voting. The 19th*, Register now to save your seat ([link removed]) .
Think Outside The Classroom: How to diversify education sources and the stories we tell ([link removed]) — Aug. 20 at 11:30 a.m. Eastern, The National Press Club Journalism Institute.
Andrew DeLong
Andrew DeLong is the director of teaching operations at Poynter. He shares tips, training and resources to transform your journalism.
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