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We are heading into the fight of our lives here in Virginia and we have current delegates that definitely are going to need your help. With everything at stake, we cannot risk to lose one seat, especially down in Virginia Beach with one of our favorite candidates, Kelly Convirs-Fowler. 

If you remember the Time Magazine 2018 Avengers Cover, then you definitely know Kelly. She was one of the women who helped flip 15 seats back in 2017 in House of Delegates, a feat many people didn't think was possible that year. Delegate Convirs-Fowler helped us down the road to recovery during the Trump years and she is going to need our help now. With her in the legislature, Virginia has been able to deliver on so many Progressive promises and we know that she will be even more effective in years to come.  Since Republicans are focused on turning out so many voters in Glenn Youngkin's hometown down in Virginia Beach, Kelly is going to need our help now more than ever. They going to be writing big checks but we rely on people like you. Can you help us out by contributing $10, $20,  or even $100, to our tandem fundraising effort to protect Kelly in her re-election? 
Go. Fight. Win., 
Paid for and Authorized by KTBBH PAC

Our Mailing Address is: 
PO Box 101547
Arlington, VA 22210

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