Dear John,
Amazon has been pretty hostile in shareholders engagements.
Shareholders haven’t backed down. Last year Amazon faced more shareholder resolutions than ever, including from As You Sow. We asked the company to adopt goals for managing its considerable greenhouse gas emissions. As expected, Amazon challenged the resolution at the SEC.
Well! While we were preparing our response, they suddenly unveiled a ‘Shipment Zero’ ([link removed]) initiative and committed (finally) to disclose their carbon footprint. Great stuff!
Then Amazon surpassed our expectations again, with an even bigger announcement —
- Net zero emissions by 2040
- 100% renewable energy by 2030
- Ordered 100,000 fully-electric delivery vehicles
- Disclosed 3rd party-verified full carbon footprint
These commitments are real progress toward the climate path we need. We’ll be following up with Amazon to make sure they deliver. Mission in process!
For our clean energy future,
Lila Holzman
Energy Program Manager
Hold Corporations Accountable
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As You Sow
501(c)3 non-profit
2150 Kittredge St, Suite 450
Berkeley, CA 94704
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