The top 10 happenings around the world in the global freedom movement
featuring the work of Atlas Network partners.

World10 becoming Uplift
Where many play to a sense of outrage or crisis, Atlas Network strives to show the progress being made in advancing & defending freedom around the world. As Atlas Network uplifts local voices around the world who discover policy solutions to humankind’s most pressing challenges, we are evolving the monthly World10 e-newsletter into Uplift, beginning next month. Please be sure to keep an eye out for this newsletter that will keep you even better informed on—and connected to—what we are doing around the world to alleviate poverty, protect free markets & free people, and empower human dignity.
Despite its abundant natural resources, only a tiny fraction of the population of the Democratic Republic of the Congo has access to electricity. Atlas Network partner Centre for Development and Enterprises Democratic Republic of the Congo (CDE DRC) is working to change that. They used research, video interviews, and a highly effective petition to build momentum for their Umeme Bila Kodi (Electricity Without Taxes) campaign. They reached 1,000 people in-person, 100,000 online, and received 50,000 petition signatures. The excitement was impossible to ignore, and the Congolese president announced in his State of the Congolese Nation speech that he intends to follow CDE DRC’s suggestions and liberalize the electricity sector.
Cuba has an opportunity to turn away from communism and authoritarianism toward democracy and freedom. What can Atlas Network partners—and people like you—do to help? To give us a better understanding of the situation, Frank Zimmerman of Federalismo y Libertad’s Latin American Center, a Cuban native, joined Vale Sloane on AtlasNexus to discuss what outsiders need to know about the situation. Listen to get an insider’s insight on Cuba.
Registration for the 2021 Liberty Forum & Freedom Dinner is now open. Convening in person in Miami on December 13-14, these back-to-back events will feature several high-profile speakers, live competitions, prestigious awards announcements such as the Templeton Freedom Award, and a celebration of the freedom movement’s work over the past year. Reconnect with friends from around the world at the Liberty Forum, and toast to freedom at the gala dinner held at the home of the Miami Marlins—loanDepot park. Don’t miss your chance to be a part of this special event and register here.
A new report on the state of think tanks around the world—funded by Atlas Network—was released by the independent research division of Foreign Policy magazine. The research team interviewed more than 50 senior think tank leaders and surveyed over 320 leaders, exploring the evolving role of think tanks in the world of policymaking. Based on Foreign Policy Analytics’ surveys and interviews with 322 local think tank leaders in 80 countries, 56% have significant concerns about declining democratic norms in their countries. That number rises to 74% in countries with low levels of economic freedom. Fifty percent also said poverty is a serious concern; in countries with low levels of economic freedom, that proportion rose to nine out of 10. Attendees representing 89 countries tuned in for the launch event of the report, which you can read here.

"In short, enduring development is just not an outsider’s game and while [local] organizations are starting to get the attention and respect they deserve, foreign donor agencies must simultaneously scale back their own outsized roles in determining and driving local priorities," writes Matt Warner for The Hill, referencing the findings of the recent research study conducted by Foreign Policy Analytics.

Center for Indonesian Policy Studies’ (CIPS) Felippa Amanta joined Devex at the U.N. Food Systems Pre-summit to discuss how free trade builds food security and alleviates poverty, especially in Indonesia. Amanta spoke about CIPS’ project to publicize Indonesian food prices as compared to international averages to draw attention to the much higher costs brought on by unnecessary trade restrictions. You can watch the entire segment here.

Atlas Network celebrated 40 years of work last month, and to mark the occasion our CEO Brad Lips sat down with three special guests on a unique episode of AtlasNexus. Brad was joined by Linda Whetstone, president of the Mont Pelerin Society and daughter of Atlas Network founder Sir Antony Fisher; Robert Boyd, a once and recently returned member of Atlas Network’s board of directors; and Bill Sumner, chairman emeritus of the board of directors. Combined they have over 100 years of experience with Atlas Network, and they shared perspectives on the organization’s early years, Sir Fisher’s vision and drive to achieve it, and overcoming early challenges with both Atlas Network and the Institute of Economic Affairs. Don’t miss this delightful retrospective.
Liberty & Wine—a podcast by the Montreal Economic Institute’s Michel Kelly-Gagnon—recently hosted Atlas Network President Matt Warner to discuss the Doing Development Differently model of international development, Liberty Forum & Freedom Dinner 2021, and a rosé that isn’t actually a rosé. Catch this fascinating conversation wherever you listen to podcasts.

The Turkish government has tried several times to use the pandemic to cover its attempts to restrict the sale and consumption of alcohol, but Atlas Network partner Freedom Research Association (FRA) has kept a watchful eye on these infringements. To that end, they have launched a new project—Turkish Public Alcohol Policy Watch—to protect the freedom to sell and enjoy alcoholic beverages. So far, the Watch has been a huge success, gaining lots of attention from news outlets and social media users. As the government continues to try to ban alcohol as “non-essential,” FRA is prepared to answer it at every turn.

In 2021, the world is emerging from an extraordinary health crisis. It now confronts an extraordinary freedom crisis. Brad Lips’ Liberalism and the Free Society in 2021 takes a sober look at how institutions of liberal democracy are now tested—in the U.S. and worldwide—by lockdowns, cronyism, cancel culture, and more. Exploring trends from the Global Index of Economic Mentality and drawing insights from an international network of experts and activists, Liberalism and the Free Society in 2021 offers readers a deeper understanding of the fragility of freedom’s future. Importantly, the book also shares reasons for hope as well as a path forward for building a larger coalition around the timeless values that sustain free societies. Looking for a roadmap for post-pandemic liberalism? Order a physical copy or an e-book.
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