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RIP: Mark Perry, an extraordinary journalist in extraordinary times

By Kelley Beaucar Vlahos on Aug 08, 2021 12:22 pm

He was a colleague and a principled truth-teller during an era of war, hubris, and Beltway banditry.
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The US war against ISIS in Syria and Iraq is 7-years-old today

By Joseph Dyke on Aug 08, 2021 03:16 am

With no end in sight and violence under the radar but ongoing, this is one 'forever war' that Biden risks perpetuating.
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After 20 years, Pentagon still lacks control over hired guns

By David Isenberg on Aug 06, 2021 03:38 am

A new GAO report finds gaping holes in oversight in the military's unwieldy private security contractor biz.
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How the Blob mislabels ‘allies’ to manipulate and get its way

By Daniel Larison on Aug 06, 2021 03:20 am

The US has a bad habit of acquiring clients and partners and exaggerating their importance to justify continued entanglements.
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Smearing restrainers won’t hide the woeful failures of US foreign policy

By Nick Cleveland-Stout on Aug 05, 2021 03:51 am

Unlike primacists, this 'coalition' actually embraces an internationalism that respects the rule of law, and diplomacy.
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Why Biden should ease burdens on humanitarian aid to Cuba

By Jorge Quintana on Aug 05, 2021 03:00 am

US domestic politics are overshadowing multiple crises on the island nation, which only prolongs the suffering of the Cuban people.
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Calling ‘liberal internationalism’ what it is: American primacy

By Sarang Shidore on Aug 04, 2021 03:09 am

An essay aimed at taking down the 'Quincy coalition' and restraint has revealed the true face of global hegemony.
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