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2019 has been an incredible year so far, John.

We’ve sent 2.4 million texts so far, and the exciting news is this: we’ve got millions more to send before 2019 comes to a close. Here’s what’s coming for the rest of our year, which we hope you’ll join us for → 

  • 🌊 A historic push for Election Day 2019––we’re going to send at least 3 million texts during Election Week across multiple states, including the often-overlooked South, setting the stage for 2020.

  • 🗣 Messaging Lab work continues––through our work with Messaging Lab, we’ve been doing deep, digital canvassing to listen to voters and find common ground on the issues most polarizing to Americans. We’ll be making this texting available to all texters soon––level up your canvassing skills with conversations centered on reproductive justice & impeachment, opening it up to all interested texters soon!

  • 👩‍⚖️ The race for the House in 2020 starts by listening to voters in 2019––and we’ll be doing just that. Join us in November and December to talk with folks in races that are crucial to us holding our House majority in 2020 & beyond.

If you’ve been looking for a way to join the fight, John, you’ve found it––here with us at Open Progress. When we say we are a volunteer organization, we mean that. This work wouldn’t be remotely possible without you, our incredible volunteers. The work frankly won’t happen without you jumping in to make it happen. 

There are folks who talk the talk, but you walk the walk. Help us finish this marathon of a year strong––and then let’s get ready for a blowout victory in 2020. 


Thank you, John,

Lauren Briskin

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