Prisoner of war. The Democrats are going full on Nazi.
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

For more information on any post below, click through to read the full article on our website.

‘Biden’s’ Infrastructure Bill Rewards States With More Immigrants: Report
The democrats are at war against the American people. Are we going to go quietly into this new dark age?

Biden’s Infrastructure Bill Rewards States With More Immigrants: Report

By Hank Berrien • Daily Wire • Aug 9, 2021

The ...

Major Teachers Union Sues Rhode Island Mother Who Asked Questions about Curriculum
Get your children out of government schools.

Democrats know CRT is being taught in schools. And they are criminalizing opposition just what the worst dictatorships in human history did.

If you vote Democrat, you support racism and tyranny. ...

As inflation SOARS Treasonous Democrats Charge Ahead With $3.5 Trillion Tax-and-Spend Bankrupt America Plan
The tax and spend policies of the Biden Administration and Democrat controlled Congress is out of control. The latest tax and spend plan from the Democrats is a whopping $3.5 trillion (which is really $5.5 trillion) dollars. Such a massive ...

eneMedia Says Phrase “China Virus” Dangerous, But CNN Host Proposes Naming Delta Variant After DeSantis
America is woefully unprepared for what's coming.

The American left is more deadly, more dangerous than any foreign enemy.

Media Says Phrase “China Virus” Dangerous, But CNN Host Proposes Naming Delta Variant After DeSantis

You know ...

STOLEN ELECTION: Georgia Ballots Rejected By Machines Were Later Altered By Election Workers (Democrats) To “Count”
Georgia ballots rejected by machines were later altered by election workers to count

Records obtained by Just the News provide unprecedented glimpse into human adjudication of thousands of ballots, where marks for candidates like Trump were ...

Under ‘Biden’, Enough Illegal Aliens Have Crossed the Border In 2021 to Create the 10th-Largest City in the U.S.
The fix is in. The end of the Republic.

You didn't think they would steal the next election in the same way, did you? The foreign invasion is designed to destroy free and fair elections.

Enough People Crossed the Border in 2021 to Create ...

Watch: NYC Diner Owner Distraught Over New Mandate: “They’re Burying Me Alive”
This is awful and heartbreaking. Many of New York City's small businesses will not survive Mayor Bill de Blasio's horrific draconian policies. And what can we expect from a mayor who took scant action against criminals who openly looted New York ...

Jihad-Rep. Ilhan Omar Wants to Replace July 4th With Muslim Heritage Month
Of course she does. The Islamic supremacist means to extinguish and replace our own heritage with Islam.

Rep. Omar Wants to Replace July 4th With Muslim Heritage Month

By Daniel Greenfield Aug 8, 2021

July is when families load up ...

KAPO WATCH: Ben & Jerry’s Picks Israel Eliminationist Peter Beinart To Defend Boycott the Jews (BDS) Policy To Franchisees
A new low for Ben & Jerry's. However, this is not a surprise. Useful idiots such as Peter Beinart are very often exploited by Israel-haters to legitimize and promote the BDS (boycott the Jews) Movement. Pro-Israel groups in the United States need ...

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