Dear John,

Boris Johnson says he’s got a deal. But this is NOT a deal - just a statement which is yet to be signed off by anybody.

He will try every trick in the book to get his way. But we cannot, will not, let him use it to crash his terrible Brexit through Parliament.

It would be the gateway to the hardest of hard Brexits, worse than Theresa May’s Deal, threatening the livelihoods and future of us all.

On Saturday MPs will be inside Parliament voting on our future.

But the people, will be outside Parliament demanding – louder than ever – that the people must be given the right to decide.

This is the time to trust the people, not Boris Johnson, to solve the Brexit crisis.

This could not be more urgent.

Yes I'll march 

We need you there on Park Lane at 12 noon on Saturday.

Margaret Beckett MP,
Leading Supporter of the People’s Vote campaign 

P.S. We want to make this march huge. Please chip in now to help fund the march.

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Promoted by James McGrory on behalf of the People’s Vote campaign (Open Britain Ltd), Millbank Tower, 21-24 Millbank, London, England, SW1P 4QP.