
Last month, President Biden signed Martin’s bipartisan legislation to cut methane emissions into law. It was the most significant action Congress has taken on climate in over a decade.

It was a huge victory in the battle to combat the most catastrophic effects of climate change.

But our work is far from over.

Methane emissions are one of the biggest drivers of the climate crisis. So we’ve got to build on our progress by taking urgent climate action one step further. That’s why Martin and several of his New Mexico colleagues are calling on the EPA to develop stronger methane regulation of the oil and gas industry.

Will you add your name next to Martin’s to ask the EPA to promote healthier communities and a better climate by imposing stricter methane regulations?


New Mexico is a major producer of oil and gas, but that hasn’t stopped the state from showing leadership on cutting methane emissions while creating local jobs at the same time.

The EPA should follow the lead of states like New Mexico and create new, stronger methane protections at this pivotal moment — especially as New Mexico and other parts of the country are suffering from extreme drought and severe weather events.

If you agree, add your name in support of the EPA taking urgent action to reduce methane emissions.


Thank you for speaking out.

—Team Heinrich



Paid for by Martin Heinrich for Senate

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Martin Heinrich for Senate
PO Box 25763
Albuquerque, NM 87125
United States