Mondays of Meaning

August 9th, 2021 | Dr Jordan B. Peterson
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In this week's edition, we'll be discussing the rise of chaos in society, the utility of Bitcoin and how facial symmetry can equate to attractiveness.

On Why the Serpent Lurks Eternally in the Garden

The presence of the serpent in the garden also signifies something even deeper: the impossibility of the order suitable for human beings existing without some admixture of chaos. There is simply no way, even for God himself, to wall off some isolated portion of the greater surrounding reality and make everything permanently predictable and safe within it. Some of the reality that has been so carefully excluded will always sneak back in. A snake will therefore inevitably appear, no matter what care is taken.

Even the most assiduous of modern parents will not be able to protect their children from internet porn, drugs, or alcohol, even if they lock them in the basement (in which case they only end up exposing them to the snakes they harbor within themselves). We might have learned such things by watching the great, degenerate totalitarian utopias of the 20th century. Leaders and citizens alike attempted, with ever-increasing desperation, to force everything that existed into a defined, comprehensible and too-perfect order. That merely ensured that chaos burst forth without reserve into their souls, and then into their societies. 

Monday Reflections

"You're vulnerable and you can be broken and you will be in many ways, but you can't blame someone for that, it's just, that's the structure of reality." (Share this on Twitter)

“You are not obligated to associate with people that make your life worse.”(Share this on Twitter)

“Treat yourself as if you were someone that you are responsible for helping.” (Share this on Twitter)

This Week On The Podcast

Bitcoin, the Future of Money? With Gigi Der, John Vallis, Richard James and Robert Breedlove | The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast - S4E40

​​Dr. Jordan Peterson sits down with four vocal members of the Bitcoin community for an introduction to the cryptocurrency world. As a group, they cover topics ranging from the specifics of Bitcoin, cryptocurrency, and blockchain security; extending all the way to philosophical takes on the utility of money, ideal economics, and mapping value. 

Bitcoin Boyz for YouTube

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson:

“You pay preferential attention to one thing rather than another and you do that as a consequence of comparative value.”

John Vallis:

"In order for value to emerge, we need to define limitations. Things are defined by their limitations.”

Gigi Der: 

“Free speech is paramount, it is dangerous but it is good. We would be saying that Bitcoin is the free speech of money.”

Robert Breedlove:

“As a technology, money needs to fulfil five critical properties. It needs to be divisible, durable, recognisable, portable, and scarce.”

From The Archives

My Advice for Young Men Seeking Marriage and a Family | Jordan B. Peterson​​

Jordan B. Peterson:

"One of the things we know that attracts people to one another is bilateral symmetry. If you take men then you rank them by the symmetry of their faces, then you give the asymmetrical men clean T-shirts to wear for a day and you give the symmetrical men clean T-shirts to wear for a day. You then give the T-shirts to women and you have them rate the odor, what you find is the women rate the odor of the symmetrical men as more attractive than the older of the asymmetrical men."

Thank you for reading, 

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson
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