
I wanted to give you a quick update on the historic infrastructure package I helped negotiate which is currently making its way through Congress.

After months of negotiations and more than a week of debate on the Senate floor, an overwhelmingly bipartisan majority of Senators voted over the weekend to advance the bill. It’s now on its way to a final vote in the Senate, and then will go to the House.

I’m proud to have led the negotiations on this with a group of my colleagues, and I’m excited about the impact that this investment in our nation’s infrastructure would have for folks around the country — helping people stay safe and connected, while creating good-paying jobs and boosting our economy for all Americans.

It’s going to take all of us working together to make sure this bill reaches President Biden’s desk. Will you add your name now, and say you’ll help us get this over the finish line?


As the Senate’s only working farmer, I know that legislation like this will have a real impact for hardworking folks in Montana and across the country.

Thanks for standing with me as we work to get this done.

— Jon