This is a long, but important, email announcing my plan to get Iowa’s public schools back to #1 again.


This is a long, but important, email announcing my plan to get Iowa’s public schools back to #1 again. Will you read my plan below and then sign on in support?

Education has always been central to Iowa's heritage. Our state quarter reads "Foundation in Education," recognizing the fact that Iowa was once home to the best public schools in the country.

Our public schools are the backbone of our communities, a catalyst for economic mobility and, at our best, a source of pride for our state. Right now, there’s a major disconnect between politicians and our classrooms. We can change that, but only if we elect leaders who prioritize our students and value our educators.

As the Ranking Member of the House Education Committee, I know that students must ride the bus for hours and hours every day due to the GOP underfunding schools, which only accelerates rural school consolidation. Educators continue to move out of Iowa to states where they are finding their profession valued and retirement not constantly threatened.

As a former counselor, coach, and student support worker in Iowa public schools, I’ve seen firsthand the impact of Governor Reynolds’ policies that benefit private interests at the expense of our educators, students, and families.

And as the husband of a special education teacher, and a father to two young daughters, education is part of my everyday life. I want my daughters, and every child in our state, to learn in schools that once again lead the nation.

We can get back to #1, and ensure that Iowa students are globally competitive. Our history and heritage in Iowa shows us the way. In Iowa’s early days, our leaders prioritized establishing a school in every township, and they prioritized paying for it.

As a leader on the Education committee, I’ve been a champion for our public schools. Will you sign on in support of my plan to get Iowa schools back to #1 in the nation?

Here’s a summary of my K-12 Education Plan:

  • Prioritizing Students and Families: All Iowa students deserve a fair opportunity to receive a globally competitive education, regardless of zip code, background, or parents’ income.
  • Empowering Educators: We ask so much of our educators, and yet many are left without the support they need, or have mandates placed on them that make teaching and learning less effective. We can empower our educators by allowing for more curriculum inclusion and freedom, reducing mandated testing, and more.
  • Public Dollars for Public Schools: Governor Reynolds has doubled her efforts to privatize education in our state. But we know that a majority of Iowans oppose legislation like the bill signed this past session to make the creation of private charter schools easier. We need to prioritize public dollars for public schools.

We can once again have the best schools in the country, but only if we work together to elect leaders who are willing to put in the work to help us get there.

Whether you’re a parent, student, teacher or someone who cares deeply about the future of our state, I invite you to come as you are and join our efforts to get Iowa public schools back to #1. Add your name to join us and support my plan here >>


Thanks for reading and supporting this campaign,



Paid for by Ras Smith for Governor
Ras Smith for Governor
P. O. Box 1651
Waterloo, IA 50704
United States
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