“OMG WTF!?” - Brenda the Civil Disobedience Penguin


Acting once gets a smile, persistence gets change!
350 Milwaukee

Pick Your Poison
Published Aug. 9, 2021

IPCC Report: Climate Change 2021:The Physical Science Basis

Some of the reporting on the IPCC Report:
In the lead-up to the Glasgow Climate Talks, join our meeting tomorrow to learn about Line 3 and the country-wide actions to try to change the path forward!
Read more at StopTheMoneyPipeline below.

And Don't Forget To Join Us This Friday!

350 Milwaukee Meeting
Tuesday, August 10, 7 - 8:30pm
We've reserved a place for you at our

Zoom Meeting

Enbridge Line 3
What the #&!! is going on?​

"Within the next two decades, temperatures are likely to rise by more than 1.5C above pre-industrial levels, breaching the ambition of the 2015 Paris climate agreement, and bringing widespread devastation and extreme weather.
Only rapid and drastic reductions in greenhouse gases in this decade can prevent such climate breakdown, with every fraction of a degree of further heating likely to compound the accelerating effects..." - The Guardian on IPCC report

WE (you and I because we know about it)

We'll hear from

Jill Ferguson
(a.k.a. 'Bad Ass Grandma', arrested 3x @Line 3)
Tim Cordon
(Building Unity Wisconsin)

Winona LaDuke Among Monday's Arrests

Time: Tuesday, August 10, 7 - 8:30pm

Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88669721077

Meeting ID: 886 6972 1077
Dial by your location
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/keCBgiw54A

350MKE Fridays for Future
Friday, August 13, 12:00 - 1:00 pm

Chase & Wells Fargo Banks
Wisconsin Ave. at Water St.
Masks and Physical Distancing

On Friday, August 13th, activists around the country will organize actions & protests at the branches, offices, and headquarters of the banks funding Line 3.

Enbridge is building Line 3, a pipeline that would result in a 10% expansion of the tar sands and have the same climate impact as fifty new coal-fired power plants. Yet last month, major banks, such as JPMorgan Chase and Citibank, facilitated $1.5 billion in so-called sustainability loans to Enbridge.

We'll be uploading images of our Milwaukee event to the central campaign bulletin board.  So let's get a turnout to show that Milwaukee cares!



Ahead of the Glasgow Climate Talks, Line 3 is a litmus test for Wall Street. Either major banks stop funding the toxic Line 3 pipeline, or their climate promises aren’t worth the paper they are written.

On Friday, August 13th, activists around the country will deliver that message to the banks funding Line 3.

Our Demands of Wall Street
We demand that by November 1st, 2021, the start of the Glasgow Climate Talks, all financial institutions take the following steps:

  1. Respect Human Rights and Indigenous Sovereignty: End all financial services for any project or company that violates human rights, engages in practices of racial discrimination, or fails to respect Indigenous People’s treaty rights, sovereignty, and right to Free, Prior and Informed Consent.
  2. End Support for Deforestation: End all financial services for and investments in for any company involved in deforestation, natural land conversion or peatland destruction across its supply chain.
  3. End Support for Fossil Fuels: Begin an immediate phase-out of all financial services for the fossil fuel industry, including immediately ending all financial services for any project or company that is engaged in expanding the extraction, production or transportation of fossil fuels.
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Shorewood, WI 53211

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