Dear Twin Ports DSA Members and Associates,

Tomorrow is of course election day in the Duluth, so for those of you who live here, make sure you head to the polls. A quick reminder of our endorsed candidates:

On Wednesday at 5:30 our Racial Justice Working Group meets. Email Lydia at [email protected] to get involved.

This Sunday at 2pm we have our steering meeting already. Everything is a little early this month. Perhaps instead of a chapter check-in we can have a big summer picnic and general meeting at the same time.

The DSA National Convention just finished up. Being online, it doesn't have much press coverage, though there was an interesting article in Teen Vogue by the youngest delegate (17 years old). Tom and Angel can give us a summary of events at the next meeting.

Finally, there is a great final talk from the convention featuring Astra Taylor that your shouldn't miss. She is the founder of Debt Collective. It's a good boost to the spirit, and most of us need that.

In Solidarity,
John Krumm
TPDSA Secretary

(If you have been receiving these emails and aren't a member yet, we want you to join! Our goals are both broad and local,  and we intend to win as many as possible. Simply put--the Green New Deal, Medicare for All, green housing for all, a justice system that helps instead of harms, an end to poverty, socialists in office everywhere--these goals and more will not happen without mass participation. Use this link to join or renew.)
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