Dear John,
Your cupboards are bare. Your credit card is maxed out. The electric bill is 30 days past due. What will you do?
Maybe that’s never happened to you, but too many hardworking parents have faced a situation like this — leaving kids at great risk of going to bed with an empty belly.
But you can help fill those empty bellies by donating today. Anything you can give to No Kid Hungry will help children like Sandra’s get the food they need.
The pandemic recession is far from over for parents like Sandra. In the triple digit heat of summer, she gathered her children into a single room to save on air conditioning. And that still wasn’t enough. They were living on “just the essentials... on a day-to-day basis.”
Sandra was lucky, though. Thanks to generous people like you, No Kid Hungry was able to make an emergency grant to her community. Even though schools were closed, she was able to get meals for her kids.
“Without this help, to tell you the truth, I don’t know how we could have managed,” she told us. John, you helped make this possible.
There are struggling parents like Sandra in every state, fighting just to get by and make sure their kids don’t face empty cupboards. Chances are there are kids living with hunger just down the street from you.
John, today 1 in 6 kids is at risk for hunger in our country. They need your help. Please donate today to help make sure kids get the food they need all year long.
Thank you in advance for your compassion and generosity.

Diane Clifford Team No Kid Hungry