John —
We wanted to be sure you didn’t miss this shocking New York Times headline:

This is absolutely unacceptable, especially as so many of us were called hysterical when we sounded the alarm over Kavanaugh years ago.
That’s why we’re calling on the Senate Judiciary Committee to examine and hold public hearings on handling the Brett Kavanaugh investigation by the FBI and Trump’s White House counsel.
We haven’t seen your name yet, John — sign on here to demand justice.
-- Forwarded Message --
The FBI recently disclosed details about its inquiry into Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, confirming they mishandled their own investigation.
As it turns out, in 2018, the FBI failed to investigate the 4,500 tips reported about Brett Kavanaugh’s suitability to serve on the Supreme Court. Adding insult to injury, the FBI handed the tips over to the Trump White House for them to move forward as they saw fit.
This news comes as 2021 has already passed a record-breaking number of abortion bans, and we’re only halfway through the year. We’ve never seen such an aggressive attempt to get anti-choice chases in front of the Supreme Court, and the FBI’s “mishandling” of the Kavanaugh investigation (or lack-there-of) could directly lead to Roe v. Wade being overturned.
John, we’re calling on the Senate Judiciary Committee to hold public hearings on the Brett Kavanaugh investigation. Add your name to stand with us>>
We’ve learned that only 10 people were interviewed throughout the investigation —
and neither Christine Blasey Ford nor Kavanaugh was among these 10 people!
The GOP will stop at nothing to overturn Roe v. Wade. We saw this when McConnell stole President Obama’s last Supreme Court nomination, we saw it when they jammed Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation through 9 days before a national election, and we’re seeing it now — when it’s clear that the Trump White House and FBI had no intention of ever vetting a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court.
Sign the petition to demand the Senate Judiciary Committee open an investigation into the gross mishandling of the Kavanaugh inquiry immediately.
Thanks for standing with us,